Medical question re: thyroid?!

Question: Medical question re: thyroid.?
I've been taking wayyy too much salt for the past 2 years, every day.. but not in food, in a nasal/sinus wash. Loads of it has been dripping down my throat so I have ingested it unintentionally, but the result is still the same.

I am now suffering from nightsweats / drenching the bed, plus fatigue. I can only put this down to thyroid problems / lack of iodine.

If I stop taking salt entirely, will this situation fix itself or should I seek medical attention.?Health Question & Answer

The fact that you have sinus issues is a very, very strong indication that you have a liver problem. When the liver becomes toxic, it reflexes and dumps in the sinuses. To deal with this for 2 years indicates that whatever you are doing is not working, right.? Treating symptoms is what the drug companies love for you to do; it keeps them very wealthy. Doctors must first diagnose a problem and then are obliged to treat that. Sinus problems are a very good source of income for them and pharmacies love you too. But, generally, treating the sinuses does not solve the problem.

To fix your liver, you need to understand what could be causing this problem. Liver problems are often linked to poor diet, especially consumption of hydrogenated oils, and/or fried foods; infection caused from bacteria, virus, fungal, parasites, or a combination of these. A toxic gallbladder from bad oils like vegetable oils being eaten, and intestinal infection that is backing up into the liver. Heavy metal exposure (especially bad dental work or a dental infection) and a severe "B" complex deficiency.

Along with the sinus issue, you most likely have headaches, fatigue, joint pain, difficulty sleeping, and hormonal imbalances. All this is indicative of liver problems.

To test your theory about the iodine deficiency, you can do this in one day. Buy a bottle of "Tincture of Iodine" and paint a 2" x 3" patch on your arm in the morning. Note the time of day. Now watch the patch and if it disappears before 24 hours, you are deficient.

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. The endocrine is a system of complex relationships that when one organ in the system is affected or becomes weak, it affects ALL the organs in that system. The liver, adrenal glands, thyroid, etc. are all part of that system.

Night sweats are a direct indication of an infection as well as a deficiency in Riboflavin (B-2 vitamin). I strongly suspect you have a very bad intestinal flora. Taking just 1 antibiotic destroys 3/4 of your immune system that is found in your intestinal flora. The very thing doctors give people for sinus infections, antibiotics, will treat the symptom, but then it destroys the very thing that will help you get better, so it prolongs the problem by making your liver toxic. This is why many times when people take antibiotics for sinus problems it takes a long time to get better and then it keeps coming back.

If I were you, I would look to two primary places for a resolution to this issue and that is your teeth and your liver. Infections in one or both places will most likely be the "root cause."

I would seek out a Certified Nutritional Therapist that can test you to find out what nutritional element(s) you may be lacking and not have to guess. Then they can recommend a diet and supplements that will support making those organs healthy and I believe you will find that your sinus issue most likely goes away.

good luck to you
Health Question & Answer

I won't answer you but I really feel for you and I wish just good for you !!
I have a problems with my thyroid but i don't take any medicine and i don't have diets .Health Question & Answer

You should seek medical attention because you could have other medical problems besides the thyroid. It is best not to take any chances with your health.Health Question & Answer

DO NOT stop salt suddenly. It can cause fits and even death.

Please visit your doctor. The cause may easily be some other reason apart from thyroid.Health Question & Answer

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