Im an alcoholic weening off?!

Question: Im an alcoholic weening off.?
I turned myself into a nice lil alcoholic due to my roommate (and my own stupidity) having beer in the house nonstop. He is an alcoholic. However, I am trying to "ween" myself off to avoid bad withdrawl such as seizures and the real sick feeling. I have been up to 8 beers for a year. I can not go to a clinic I don't have health insurance.

Is is possible to avoid dangerous side effects by cutting down 1 less beer every day.? Thanks.Health Question & Answer

I think your best bet is to certainly slow it down to what the least amount of beer that you can tolerate - in my experience you need to stop altogether, all at once. A true alcoholic can't just slow down and have a couple - it's all or nothing. If you are afraid that you will have problems removing it all together I highly suggest you or call a free service in your area where you can speak to a nurse, or something similar before you quit cold turkey. Find an AA meeting in your area. You will find lots of resources there for this kind of situation. Contrary to what the other answers suggest, you can have withdrawal symptoms and they can be dangerous. See how you feel as you slow down. Wean off slowly (if you can) but get some sort of professional guidance if you can. I would also suggest finding another place to live if your roommate is still drinking. This requires a lifestyle change, which can mean lots of soul searching and changes in your life. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

Every difference counts! You can avoid side effects easily, because your body will be able to repair itself faster.

1 less beer per day is a slow start, but most habits have to broken that way - the same way they're made! Just a little at a time...

But like any other things, our bodies are created to heal themselves of many things. The more you cut back, it does eliminate the dangerous side affects some (while maybe not a noticeable % at first)

If you have any problems cutting back, though, I have a foolproof method for quitting any habit that takes little work. In my experience (and research) it takes about 6 months for you to be fully off something, but in the first few days you'll have no desire to go back!Health Question & Answer

you are comparing Alcohol to heroin. You probably wont go through shock, but your not going to feel super wonderful the first two days. but after that you will start feeling like a million bucks!Health Question & Answer

Go Cold Turkey and either move out or get rid of your room mate.Health Question & Answer

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