If my baby get the RSV vaccine, can he developed autism as he get older?!

Question: If my baby get the RSV vaccine, can he developed autism as he get older.?
Is it any risk if my baby have this vaccine.? Health Question & Answer

If you are talking about Synagis, that is not a vaccine. It is a monoclonal antibody. Even if it was a vaccine, vaccines do not cause autism. Health Question & Answer

There's a higher risk to him and others to NOT get the vaccine.

Autism is relatively unknown. While some parents scream and yell that the vaccine caused their child's autism, it has yet to be proven by the medical field.

Talk to your doctor about the risks of having him getting and not getting the vaccine. For as many people on here that will say that there is a correlation and that their child was diagnosed as autistic shortly after receiving vaccine, there are twice as many parents who will say it did NOTHING to their child.Health Question & Answer

There are some who feel there is a connection. I have not seen why or who is behind this theory. But, many viruses and bacteria and other pathogens, and vaccines are definitely on the table as being linked to autism. I have seen a lot of mothers on the Yahoo Groups Autism forums talk about the RSV connection, but I did not pay attention because I see these kind of theories all the time. Autism symptoms are being rid by treating these pathogens and also toxins, so many pathogens are involved. Each children is testing positive for numerous pathogens, so its not just one. Health Question & Answer

Better to get the vaccine than not. Vaccines have not been credibly shown to be linked to autism. If autism was caused by the thimerisol in the vaccines, autism rates should have dropped off over the last years, since thimerisol was removed. They have not dropped off.

Your child could become autistic, but it is unclear why this happens.

RSV can kill your child, autism isn't a death sentence.

I'd reccomend you vaccinate.Health Question & Answer

There is a lot of debate about whether or not vaccinations cause autism. I've never read anything that proves one way or the other. However, my daughter had RSV when she was 6 months old and it was miserable. She was in and out of the hospital and we had to do breathing treatments with a nebulizer 4 times a day for almost 4 months. RSV can also turn into either Pneumonia (very dangerous for babies) or Bronchiolitis. My daughter's turned into Bronchiolitits and she now has a greatly increased chance of developing asthma. I would recommend getting the shot.Health Question & Answer

the slightest risk. look at the population that has received vaccines then look at the population with autism. there is slight risk but then again eating tuna has a slight risk of autism. breathing increases your risk of lung cancer.Health Question & Answer

I have not read of any correlation between the RSV vaccination and autism. Some feel that when kids receive numerous shots in one visit or have predisposed conditions, then there may be a link. Talk with your doctor about your concerns.Health Question & Answer

There have been numerous studies done that show NO correlation between vaccines and autism.

If you're worried about it talk to your baby's doctor.Health Question & Answer

No, the risk is in NOT having your child imminized.
Autism is something the child is born with.Health Question & Answer

That was the first I heard of such a foolish thing.
You are too gullible, it is a myth and nothing more.Health Question & Answer

NO !!Health Question & Answer

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