Obesity. disease?. really?....?!

Question: Obesity. disease.?. really.?.....?
Does anyone really believe that obesity is a disease, surely its just greed and laziness that leads to people becoming fatties.Health Question & Answer

I think its ridiculous that it's not a 'disease'
It's just greed, they got their selves in to that mess by eating too much & being lazy, it's completely their own fault...
ha! disease.. what is the world coming to... =/Health Question & Answer

Obesity isn't a disease.
Diseases are like things that are caught or made and make you ill.

Obesity can make you ill obviously but it is just people being purely lazy
People say it is a mental disease but i don't think it is i mean you can stop eating and you can swap fatty foods for healthier alternatives and you can get up and exercises they just choose not too.Health Question & Answer

That obesity is a cause of disease is not in doubt. Increased risk of arthritis, cancers, heart disease just to name the big ones.

Is it a disease in itself.? Well then I guess you need to decide on a definition of disease. If it is an abnormal condition which causes a person a degree of discomfort and suffereing then some but not all people who are obese may choose to define their body weight as a disease irregardless of how they got themselves there in the first place e.g, if a skydiver breaks his leg, is the broken leg not a disease just because he decided to do something stupid like jump out of a plane.?

Certain types of obesity may have a hormonal cause and certain medications that people may be on can cause weight gain. I do agree with you though that the vast majority of obese people are obese because they eat too much and exercise too little.
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I answered a similar question before...

Doctors should monitor the patient for a period, to make sure no contributing factors such as stress, depression, blood disorders or digestive problems aren't contributing.

But if the person is gourmandising, then it is lack of self-control. Just like gamblers. It is not a disease and people should stop looking for easy ways out.

If it was a disease, they could sue McDonalds and KFC for 'infecting' them couldn't they.?Health Question & Answer

Excuse me! This may come over as hard! i am what you Reference as a fatty! no i am not greedy! i am not lazy! not all people are fat because they want to be! that is plain rudeness and you don't understand! there are medical reasons for people gaining weight! may you never be depressed and find out for yourself that anti depressants cause you to gain weight!
people have under or overactive thyroid glands this causes weight gain! most anorexics become so called fatties as you call them! maybe you should gain weight one day from a problem!
i can't believe that you could be so insensitive to peoples feelings! i am a fitness instructor! yes i am fat but i am more fitter than you will ever be! don't judge someone on their size! it is what they have inside that counts! the people who they love! and the people who love them back! people who go around calling people fat! are insecure themselves!
you can make someone suicidal by calling them fat! please learn to be sensitive in your comments! you can not go around calling people names!Health Question & Answer

its mostly greed n lazziness but also every1 now says its good to be 'curvy' (which now is used to describe fat people) n every1 is telling them not to be anorexic so they go to the opposite extreme
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