Any recommendations for a singer with daily allergies all year and a dry/sore throat every morning?!

Question: Any recommendations for a singer with daily allergies all year and a dry/sore throat every morning.?
I already see an allergist that gave me Astalin for my allergies. It helped a great deal, although not completely. I also use a Neti pot every evening. I drink plenty of water. I usually drink 2 liters at practice alone, and probably 3 liters on a normal daily basis. I even bought a humidified (warm mist). First night I had it it was all the way up and I woke up stuffy. On low setting though, my throat is not too bad when I wake up, although still a bit scratchy. I'm planning on buying a singers throat spray, but how often will I need to spray.? I suck on menthol halls sometimes just to keep my throat lubricated and it helps my stuffiness. Is menthol OK for my voice.? If not, what are some alternatives, and is there anything else I can possibly do to prevent waking with a dry throat.?Health Question & Answer

Pure raw honey! If you have outdoor allergies local raw honey would be very helpful! And honey is definitely good for your throat. Do a search on the benefits of honey and you will find it's great for a lot of things. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Be careful with that humidifier. The reason I say that is because your symptoms occur in the morning. That is a classic symptom for dust mite allergy. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that live in our beds and bedding and their populations increase as the humidity levels increase. So, the humidifier could make things worse. I would start with the basics of setting up an allergy free bedroom. I'll give you a link to a site that talks about dust mites. You have to get these special covers for the bed and wash your sheets every 7 days in this De-Mite stuff. I also make sure that there is no carpet in my bedroom and my curtains are washable. I run an Austin Air HealthMate to keep the air clean while I am asleep and now instead of taking 60 mg of Seldane twice a day I am symptom free and rarely need drugs. Check out the links and see if you are doing all the things you should for an allergy free bedroom. Good luck with your singing!Health Question & Answer

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