I have noticed that I have a lump/mass on my left forearm near the elbow...?!

Question: I have noticed that I have a lump/mass on my left forearm near the elbow....?
I'm not sure if it could lead to a blood clot or what it could be.
Any ideas would be helpful.

I did talk to my doctor about it and she thought it was apart of the muscle at times it's very painful, sometimes I can't pick up my son because it's sore, and other times there isn't any pain.

I live in No. VA.; any specialists that you know of that deals with odd masses/lumps or that may pertain to my issue a gratitude of thanks.
Health Question & Answer

Haha wow ok I have the exact same thing in the same spot right below on my left arm on the end of the elbow. Well lately I have been wanting it out because its just annoying to know that there is something there. I asked my doctor to take a look at it and I have had this for about as long as 4 years i think. What he said it was, is some type of a sist, like a chunk of muscle that is seperated, but its not muscle its more like a piece of just gunk lol. I really dont know what to call it but its not painful to me. sometimes when i put pressure on it, it can feel like there is a piece of plato or something under my arm but it doesnt restrict me from lifting weights or anything. so i think your fine and its the same thing i have. but if you want to make sure, then i would go back to your doctor again and ask him more informtion or get a second opinion on it. I dont think its from age because im still in my late teens. so just go get it looked out again.Health Question & Answer

It is probably just what your Dr. said. If it is painful, that is probably a sign of inflammation. I don't know how close to your elbow but it could be a bone chip from banging your elbow. It probably isnt anything to worry about at all. Health Question & Answer

It sounds like it may be a cyst.
Here is a link with more info:
Maybe you could ask the same doctor where you could go to get it treated.Health Question & Answer

Age, weight and height.? Likely a fatty benign fatty tumor. Health Question & Answer

i think u might have a sitsHealth Question & Answer

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