Celiac disease or some other stomach problem or diet.?!

Question: Celiac disease or some other stomach problem or diet..?
Ok so I have this stomach problem and i don't know what it is, i keep having diarrhea like AT LEAST once a week. and i don't know if its my diet or what but before it attacks i have this gurgling/growling in my lower stomach. I have indigestion chills. And then just randomly during the day i well find myself getting shortness of breath doing the simplest task like standing up from the couch or bending down (I'm not over weight) & sometimes i have to catch my balance because i'm falling over, i won't be moving or anything just simply standing there and start to fall over. I;m very Moody even when i'm not on my period. after school i come home and feel like going to sleep right then. I'm pretty much always fatigued. Please help the [idk if you would call it chronic diarrhea] is ruining my life!!!Health Question & Answer

I'm no doctor, but I do have celiac disease. I was diagnosed at 18 and I'm 20 now.

I'm sorry to say, but your symptoms do all follow celiac. But those symptoms can be caused by other diseases as well. I had diarrhea not too often, but often enough to know something was wrong. And when I didn't have diarrhea, I would have bowel movements at least 3 times a day usually more. My stomach ALWAYS grumbled. It would grumble for hours on end and wake me up at night it got so bad. It didn't hurt all the time, but it did sometimes. I got short of breath too. It's because when you're a celiac, you don't absorb all your vitamins. When you don't absorb enough iron, you become amenic. Amemia causes shortness of breath. And in my case, it always caused my hair to thin. Amenia also makes you sleep all the time. I was tired all the time too. And guess what.? I was dizzy too. Since you're not absorbing enough vitamins, your vitamin B12 depletes. Lack of B12 causes dizziness, tingling arms/legs, etc.

Please, please go get tested for celiac. It's just a blood test. If it's positive, you'll have to go through with an endoscopy, but you can do it. I did it and I was fine. You might not have celiac, but you know you have something if you don't feel quite right. And if you're a celiac, gluten-free is not too bad. Trust me. Being a celiac has put things in perspective. There are much, much worse things to have.

Oh, and I feel SO much better. I didn't know how sick I was until I was well. :)Health Question & Answer

Celiac disease is easy to diagnose...just stop eating gluten. If your symptoms disappear, you know what the problem is and what you need to avoid.http://www.celiac.com/

Another common food issue is lactose intolerance. I would suggest you check for this first, since it is more common. Again, just eliminate the suspect food from your diet - lactose in this case.http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/lactose...

If neither of these work, it's time to visit your doctor.

All the best.Health Question & Answer

i cannot believe this....i swear that is EXACTLY what happens to me. i can tell you exactly what to do. i'm unable to do it because its hard for my because of my religion but you have to eat. i swear if you don't eat like you used to you're school grades will be low. you'll be so lazy. when i sit on the couch and then get up, first my eyes turn dark then this boom feeling inside my brain then i see bright again. because we need to eat. there must be something new your eating that's causing the diarrhea. if your taking some pills that are new to your body that could also be it. if you eat sweet and sour or pitted fruits you'll get diarrhea. you must sleep early. i've been doing this lately and the dark circles around my eyes are a little brighter. your suppose to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. if you get more your body gets heavy. i've been taking these vitamins for the past two years its good. its called "EQUATE COMPLETE MULTIVITAMIN" it comes in a big bottle with about 300 tablets in it. it'll last you about most of the year. and you can find it at walmart, bi-lo, walgreens, any pharmacy, or many other stores. they're very good. but you have to eat. if you weigh about 115 to 130. your weight is great and you can just do a simple running to get healthy. you have to exercise. but the diet is probably not good for you. eat regularly but run for half an hour every day.Health Question & Answer

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