I need help for my b/f mum who is diabetic and alcholic,?!

Question: I need help for my b/f mum who is diabetic and alcholic,.?
ive recently moved in with my boyfriend and he went away for 2 weeks so i stayed at his mother , n e how for 2 weeks straight she drank everyday none stop, she was once drunk at 9.30 in the morning, she drinks whisky and a Scottish wine called buckfast (full of sugar) she is constantly cold and looks ill but she blames it on being over tired, i have noticed bruises appearing on her body and her ankles keep giving out on her, when she has had a drink she is violent and nasty to everyone, her husband knows she drinks cause he pours her one out,but i was shocked to find out she diabetic!!! and has had her tablets increased twice in one year, i read her tablets and it say please do not drink with this medication but i can see she chooses to ignore it,we have all tried to help her but she doesn't want to know,the worse thing is she told her diabetic nurse she doesn't drink, im also diabetic and she tell me not to do this or that and im like WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME.?.?
i want to show ppl answers on this subject and tell her wot will happen to her.?.?

PLEASE HELP :(Health Question & Answer

In the short term - drinking and alcohol use can cause excessively low blood sugar which can lead to passing out, but that may be her desired affect. Long term she will have nerve damage, which is caused by the alcohol and diabetes. She'll experience pain and numbness in her hands and feet which can keep moving up the limbs.
She'll eventually develop kidney disease which can lead to hypertension which leads to vascular and cardiac problems. She will have problems healing from even slight injuries which can lead to chronic ulcers, infections and amputation. The list of complications is endless. But I bet she knows this already. There is no way to frighten her into healthier living.
You can't change this woman's behaviour, and any attempts to explain to her the error of her ways is sure to cause conflict. When she has a moment sober, tell her that you are concerned for her health and then leave it be. It is up to her family to try to counsel this irresponsible woman. I am sure she and her family members know she's not living a healthy life style, in fact the husband is enabling her!
It is admirable that you are concerned, but you are better off just taking care of yourself and your boyfriend. Let him know you are concerned and then leave it go. He knows she's unhealthy. Try not to spend so much time with her, she'll just drive you crazy!Health Question & Answer

she knows what will happen. she doesn't care. look after yourself. try taking some organic cold compressed coconut oil for your diabetes.it's a natural home remedy. you can get it in pill forms. she can try it too if she want to.Health Question & Answer

Even with all of your good intentions, the best course of action for you is to stay away from trying to help the mother. She is well aware of, and have been told, what would happen to her if she continued more times than she care, and is deciding to drink. There is nothing you can say that will change her behaviors.

Diabetic condition, as you may already be aware, is either diminished ability for the body to create insulin (type 1) or, diminished ability for her body to react to insulin (type 2). As a result, the body digests sugar slower than normal person thus keeps blood sugar level too high.

Extreme fatigue and feeling cold are symptoms, and so as bruised body.

What's worse is, when person drinks, the organ responsible for digesting sugar also digests alcohol. When this happens, it digests alcohol first, then sugar keeping sugar level higher for longer time. also, alcohol metabolizes to sugar.

You know what the end result is.... her condition will keep worsening and at the end, massive organ failure will eventually kill her.

Once again, you cannot change any of this. People who drink will not stop until they (themselves) decides to stop, or they reach the end.Health Question & Answer

you have to make her understand that sooner or later she will have serious problems...she could even die if she doesn't stop.. also give her examples that you can find on the internet of people who had this problem and also ask her if she doesn't care if she dies and lefts behind her family... make her feel that she is destroying the most important thing in her life which is her body...i think she has to love her self first and then she will start understanting what she is doingHealth Question & Answer

Being diabetic AND alcoholic is a very bad situation. Deadly, in fact.

Alcohol is just wasted calories. The calories from alcohol do nothing to your system. They are not nutritious in any way.

The bruising may be liver damage, possibly kidney failure. Only a doctor can tell. But I'll bet she doesn't see a doctor . . . .

The weak ankles might be diabetic neuropathy, but could also be related to kidney failure. Are the ankles swollen -- could be congestive heart failure.

Now, the kidneys also control how many red blood cells you produce. So if you have kidney failure you produce less red blood cells, and become anemic. This makes you VERY tired and cold. Could affect the bruising as well.

Unfortunately, there is NOTHING you can do in this situation. YOU are the outsider. You're living with your boyfriend, and you are neither legally nor socially a true part of the family. The one who SHOULD be doing something is her husband, but all he is doing is pouring drinks! My guess is he is just waiting for the life insurance check when she dies.

Your best bet is to move out. You got enough problems if your own, without trying to fight this. Tell your boyfriend that if he wants to stay with you, it will have to be at YOUR place, not his parents house.

Your best course of action at this time is prayer.Health Question & Answer

Unless the woman is willing to help herself, there is not much you can do. It is a shame, but it is the facts. People that are alcoholics usually don't take care of themselves the way they should, and do not like to be told what to do or how to do it. Someone needs to try to get her into rehab and take it from there. She has to get away from the alcohol before she can take other steps to better her health in other ways. But unless she is taken by force to a rehab, it is all in her own hands. She has to want to get better, no one can make her do that....Health Question & Answer

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