Females who have herpes?!

Question: Females who have herpes.?
I had (what i thought) was a horrible yeast infection about a month ago. I was taking antibiotics at the time so I figured that had caused it. It was so painful I couldn't sleep, like it was on fire. There was also a white film over my skin (down there). I was crying it hurt so bad, and scratching made it feel better. I went to the drugstore at 2am and bought monistat wipes and ovule, and after using the wipes/cream I was almost instantly relieved (a little bit of pain still lingered but it wasnt' near as bad)

I noticed I had a scratch that looked like a cat scratch (could have been from me scratching, I scratched ALOT) Anyway I went to the gyno 2 weeks later for my yearly pap and he didnt see anything unusual

Well this month I have another scrape, it looks like a fingernail scratch, on my inner lip (down there). Not swollen, no pus, a little bit of a sting when I touch it but other than that would not notice. I also have what I think may be a 'hemorrhoid' but I don't know if that is related to all this.

Should I go get my "scrape" tested at a planned parenthood tomorrow.? Did any of you have these symptoms of herpes.?Health Question & Answer

I think you should go and be tested. These "scrapes" are a very common manifestation of herpes. They can appear anywhere, even on your cervix, where they are invisible and painless-which is why some women don't even know they have herpes.Health Question & Answer

Yes, my first herpes outbreak was a bump down there and what looked to be like a cut. It also hurt when I peed. When the doctor did a check, she saw numerous bumps inside which I obviously couldn't see. She tested the bump that was outside and found it was herpes. Health Question & Answer

Are you allergic to your tampon string.? My aunt has that problem. Its like a little red line. Maybe take some benadril (sp) and see what happens ( I don't know if that would help) but I would still get it tested for herpes. But make sure you go while you have this "cut"Health Question & Answer

Go ASAP to your Gyn!! What you have to do is think back to when you had these symptoms and write it all down. DO NOT SCRATCH no matter how much "better" it may feel because if it (God Forbid) is herpes, it may spread to your fingers. Think about 1.when you last had intercourse, 2.how long these symptoms lasted, and 3.what over the counter medications you used. To be on the safe side, do not have intercourse until you find out what it is, wear loose fitting pants and cotton underwear, do not put lotion on your private area, do not shave and like I said before, do not touch it!Health Question & Answer

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