When faced with a potentially fatal illness..?!

Question: When faced with a potentially fatal illness...?
Do you think it is a positive thing or a negative to make plans for the future.? I've heard arguments for and against, but I was wondering what you think.

I have had teratocarcinoma for years. It's gone in and out of remission numerous times. At one point early on I was told I might have 3-5 weeks to live (based on how advanced it was, the rapid deterioration of my body and the amounts & strengths of chemo toxins I'd have to have). Well, here I am still. =) But I came to believe that plans should not be made because I would be more than likely setting myself for failure and disappointment. And that usually proved to be true.

But I recall wishing I could see just one more autumn (my favorite time of the year) and I did! Several, in fact.

Now I'm being treated for hemolytic anemia and am now being tested for acute myeloid leukemia. *sigh*

I'm not asking for advice on what I should do, rather, I would like to know what you do and have done.. or think you would do.

And for those of you who are perpetually ill: Do you ever get just so sick and deathly tired of it that you wish it would just stop, forever.? Do you ever wish you could just go to sleep and never wake up.? If not, what is your inspiration.? Your strength.?

I love everyone around me, I love nature (I do landscaping) and photography. I love the moon and stars.. I take a great deal of consolation from just being able to be alive and aware of the world & the chance to be conscious and to be able to experience this thing called reality. And I am especially grateful for the chance to experience love and the chance to be loved. *sigh*

But I am so very, very tired. Sometimes I feel like a ghost; I had no chance to live, but I did anyway. But I think I shouldn't have (my twin didn't make it; we were identical preemies) and I actually feel guilty about it. So how do you deal with your own mortal complications.?

What keeps you going in the face of perpetual, hopeless demise.?

Thank you

OmegaHealth Question & Answer

My dear Omega, you have endured so much. I had no idea how much until I read this page. There may be more too, but I am not aware of all of it. I assure you I have always been moved by the beauty you see in the world and how lovingly you discuss the animals you find and give such adorable names. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. I have been sick too in my life, but nothing like what you have had to endure. I can only tell you that I would be sad to know it if you decided to leave yahoo answers or worse yet, the world itself. I count you as a friend even though I haven't met you. Like I told you recently, however, I'd seek you out if I lived closer to you and work to be worthy of your friendship. It would be worth the effort because you are someone I'd love to know better. Since I cannot do that, I can only say I hope that I will continue to see you here often. I know that is extremely selfish on my part, but that's how I feel. I don't think reciprocated love is a joke but it is hard to come by in its truest sense. Anyone who is lucky enough to be loved by you would be foolish not to return it in quantity. I hope you find someone who will appreciate you for all the love that resides in your heart. The thing that helps me face the daily drudgery of life is finding the lovely things you say here and I can only hope that my responses to you offer proof that what you say is not only read but appreciated. There are several people that answer your questions in ways that show you appreciation for what you say. In a way, that is reciprocation. Health Question & Answer

Please plan to stay with us, St. O ! Hope can be a healing force !! I wish I had your gift of expression & your ability to feel compassion !Health Question & Answer

I wish you all the best man , don't give up hope , ever .Health Question & Answer

To be quite honest, I've never been in such a position as yours. My mom had an aunt of hers, many year back when I was just about 8 years old, and she was dying of breast cancer. She went to visit her aunt, who passed away while my mom was there. That's closest that I've ever been able to experience such extreme illness, but again, it wasn't me.

My uncle died because he was an alcoholic. He also had not chance. His liver failed. It was mostly brought on by depression, the drinking I mean.

But either way, if I had to face something equivalent to what you are going through, would I make plans and look forward for the future.? My answer would be yes. If I "knew" I had a set period of time to live, why not just take it day by day and make small plans. Stay optimistic regardless of my condition. It may be easier for me to say this since I'm not in your shoes and I can't even being to imagine what you must be going through, but I have heard accounts of people with cancer and had little chances of survival, but they kept a positive attitude throughout the whole thing, and they survive.

Sure, biologically your chances are slim. Imagine if you decrease those chances, mentally.? Dwelling and being depressed because you may not survive. If you feel you are going to die, then you just might. If you feel you will make it through another day, another month, if you feel you'll make it to see another autumn, then I believe you will.

Again, I've never been extremely ill, but there were times that I felt like I just wanted everything to be over. I just wanted to drift off to sleep and not wake up. Over many things, really, honestly, silly things. Things that usually people can brush off and pick themselves back up. But it just seemed hard for me. Maybe it was just too much too soon. Too much for me to handle all at once. But this, cancer.? I can't even imagine.

My inspiration is seeing other people make it through their ordeals. It does something within me, something good, that I really can't explain. And when I witness it or hear about it, it brings me back up. I've read things on Yahoo (like news reports or stories on the front page) and I kid you not, one or two have made me cry because of how amazing it was. The will to survive is much more powerful than some people can believe.

Despite your condition, you seem quite well, and aware of what life is. Don't worry, you will find love. There are so many forms of it, that everyone gets their share. I've learned that you can't be picky about it though. You must be open to all types of love. If you are, you better your chances of finding it. Don't expect any specific type to come. If any does, you grab it, and never let go.

Your twin, it was out of your control. It wasn't and never will be your fault. It was just something so unfortunate. The only way I can imagine you can deal with that is to know it wasn't your fault. I can relate in a way to that. That feeling of guilt. No matter what anyone says, you'll always feel guilty. No matter what you try to make yourself believe, you will feel guilty about it. I know I do, and I will forever, until the day I die. But you have to just push it aside. It will be there, but kept away.

Sorry for such a long answer. Hope you are feeling okay.Health Question & Answer

First off..Im SOOO glad you made it this far!! CONGRADSSSS!!

My grandpa had caner for about 6 mnths before he passed.

My mom being an RN and me being a CNA ( in the past) both knew what to do and what to look for. His Doc told us to have him not eat this and that. He was a 70 some odd grown man. When he move down here about 3 weeks before he passed, we MADE sure he did ANYHING and EVERYTHING he wanted to do. If that ment wood work, so be it. If that ment Dt. Dew at EVERY meal, then it happened. We didnt force his meds,due to the fact he didnt want them. His wish was just that us grand kids are happy. And, we are!!!

If i had a serious disease, and had one wish, It wold be that my son to be happy and live with my parents. I know he would be happy here with them, taken care of and be healthy. If I had 2 it would be that same thing PLUS they find a cure for Interstitual Lung disease so my dad wouldnt be in pain and that they found a cure for all cancers. Ok so more then 2 there but..the more you htink about it, in my eyes, I cant just make one, or 2...or 3 for that matter.

Sorry its so long and mybe confusing lol.Health Question & Answer

You are so loved, I love you even more now that I know what you are up against, I will pray for you every day, I promise?
I am also going to email you my phone number, and please call me anytime you feel you need to talk?
One thing I will tell you, when I was about 11, my Uncle, was given 6 weeks to live, I am now 59, my Uncle lived long enough for me to grow up, and be his caregiver, I took care of him from the time I was 27, until he passed away, in 92, and he didn't die of the condition he had!
There is always hope, and looking toward the future is always a wonderful thing, you never know what tomorrow will bring!
I love you dear?Health Question & Answer

The think what helps me most is to be aware that death is not the end, and life continues in another dimension. I have been close to death twice myself. It is naturally frightening, but that is normal. We all fear when we don't know what death will be like. I think religion is a major help, because God does live, and he answers prayers. He can comfort a humble person. He does not comfort a person who does not acknowledge him.Health Question & Answer

i do think that it`s a Very positive thing.planing for the future gives u more hope and reason to live.
my friend was 14 when he discovered that he had bone cancer,when his sister told him,he simply said "that`s ok if god wants it to happen to me,but i would really like some ice cream now."
doctors said that he was too weak to make it through all the chemo therapy and so on,and boy did he prove them wrong!!he was one of the fastest people to recover from it,most doctors were actually stunned,and u know how he did that.?
by simply being optimistic and wanting to live.
he had very rough times,and everytime i would visit him,he would just seem more ghost-like,like all his colours were just fading away,now-thank god-he is one of the most colourful people i know!sure he has a limp to his walk,but that didn`t stop him from practising running(before his cancer he was the fastest runner in the whole school),sure he isn`t the fastest anymore,but he sure can run!!it might seem somewhat messy,the way he runs,but he still can!!
u my dear tris,have it in u too,u are one of the most beautiful people i`ve known,even though i haven`t even seen u,but still,i just KNow,that u are much stonger,and i`m sure that u`ll make it through,because i love you,with all the love someone who hasn`t even met u can have,
please don`t feel unloved,i know this may sound odd,but my friend asked me yesterday"what would u do if tomorrow was ur last day on earth.?"u know what i said.?i said:
"i`d do my best to get a one way ticket to the US,to be with saint omega"
he was like:"i don`t mean to be rude,but u don`t even know him,that sounds a bit shallow coming from u"
i said:"to be honest,i only felt like actually being with someone i can truly be myself around,someone i felt secure with,and he was the first and only one i could think of"
i don`t want to sound creepy,but u do mean that much to me,so i guess u can call that love,couldn`t u.?
please hold on,the clouds are bound to move out of the sun`s way,it`s only a matter of time before u see the sunrise,and even though i`m not there with u,i would love to watch it with u...
k.cHealth Question & Answer

I have fought cancer twice in the past year. Six months ago I was told not to look beyond eighteen months. My last MRI showed no change from the one before and I have my next one in two weeks. I think that there will be no change again. I have never felt better. A year ago I was SO sick, I didn't care what happened, I just wanted it over.

Like yourself I started to appreciate the small things in life, like autumn. I also started driving all the roads in the county because I love it here and the rural area is so beautiful.

When it came to making a "bucket list", I couldn't. The reason is because I did all the things I wanted to do when the chance arrived. I have lived in many places and countries. Jumped out of planes and went to the north pole. And on.

I was put on a disability pension because the doctors said I would become disabled.

So, EVERY day I would jump in my car and drive this wonderful county.

As I started feeling better and feeling wonderful I wanted to return to work. My career would mean I would have to leave Canada again for a two year commitment in Mexico. Bin there done that.

Now I drive for an airport service and drive all over the county and take people to the airport. I will not make one fifth of what I made before, but I love it.

Yesterday I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner (Canada) with my family. I love all my nephews and neices and their children.

So now. I just want to continue to drive this heaven that I was born in and spent a lot of time with my family and friends (dogs included).

Money is neccessary, but not important.

I consider myself very fortunate. Even fighting cancer.

I wish you the best Saint O. Your fine. You know what is important!
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