Rash on 2 year olds face, what can this be?!

Question: Rash on 2 year olds face, what can this be.?
on sat. i took my daughter to the park, there were lots of nuts on the ground and she tried to eat one! also im sure maby Other things touched her face, but like right when we were leaving i noticed that now there was a rash on the bottom part of her face and it wen across her cheeks and mouth, there tiny red bumps and lots of them, and there is no Other symptoms, just the rash, what could this be.? is it from the nut or maby something else from the park. also later that night i noticed the same kind of rash on her bottom, is it from the same thing or is it totally separate. this happened sat. and today is tuesday and its still there. she eats penut butter and has always been fine with it, no problems, i called Poison control that day and the lady was real rude, she asked if i knew what kind of nut it was, i said no, she the said, well how would i know... i understand that but she could have been way nicer! i car about my little girl and i just want to know what this is and how i can help herHealth Question & Answer

try taking your daughter to a pediatrician, they specialize in infant-toddler and kids health problems. They can take a look at it, and also refer her to a dermatologist ( skin doctor if needed) also you can get a allergy test done to see if she has any allergies to anything. It can be anything. My son had rashes on his body, I treated it by using goats milk soap for kids, and aveeno oatmeal lotion. best thing to do is not to use any soap if its bad, and apply some sort of vaseline, or aveeno which is safe to use on rashes. I hope your little girl feels better soon. Hope this helps. Health Question & Answer

she may be allergic to grass. which would explain the rashes. it could also be from drooling the moisture will cause a rash like this. Check with your pediatrician before giving her any kind of medicine. in the meantime, I recommend some A&D ointment to help keep it from chappingHealth Question & Answer

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