Can this be a side effect of bad seasonal allergies?!

Question: Can this be a side effect of bad seasonal allergies.?
MY allergies are bad right now, I have a drippy/runny nose all day, tickled throat (worse when I first wake up), itchy eyes, stuffy feeling in my sinuses in my head, the works...My main concern here is it normal for me to be a little unclear/unfocused as well with the allergies.? If so (which i hope is the case, will otc allergiy medication like zyrtec, or claritin help with this).? I'm just feeling "foggy" minded...normal, or do I need to see a doctor.? thank you.Health Question & Answer

I have had year-round allergies for as long as I can remember. I take Allegra everyday but still I have good days and bad days. On the really bad days I do experience some drowsiness and overall fatigue. The way that allergies work is that your immune system thinks that you are sick, so it does all the things that that happen to your body when you have a cold or the flu. That's why you produce so much mucus and you cough etc. On the really bad days your body puts so much effort into fighting your "illness" that it takes the majority of your energy; thus making you fatigued. OTC medications (especially decongestants like Claritin-D) will make you a little drowsy but they really help with the other symptoms. I suggest investing in some medication and a visit to the doctor for a good prescription. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

Personally, I think it is normal. You're mind is probably too preoccupied on you allergies than what you need to be focused on. I would probably narrow it down to the nasal congestion that would do it. Although, I'm no doctor, so if you are worried it's better to be safe than sorry.

Try mucinex. The pills are huge and kind of expensive, but they usually clear me up.Health Question & Answer

No go to doctor, alergies just caused in spring weathereHealth Question & Answer

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