I am 14, male. I have a high cholesterol. What should I do to get better?!

Question: I am 14, male. I have a high cholesterol. What should I do to get better.?
You should start by taking a look at your diet. Do you eat lots of fried foods, or snacks high in saturated fats.? (Burgers, bacon, french fries, fried chicken, Lays potato chips, etc) Begin by eliminating those immediately from your diet. Especially the junk food and fried meats! I know it's tough to give up junk food, but there are some healthier foods that can make for nice snacks, like yogurt or cut apples, and baked potato chips too. also margin is a much healthier substitute for butter. Where ever possible, you should eat broiled or baked food, rather then fried. White meat like chicken and fish are healthier choices then red meat (beef).

There are several foods such as oatmeal, yogurt and orange juice, which have been proven to lower cholesterol you might want to consider eating them, more frequently.
Here's a complete and detailed list:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholest...

Then there's exercise if you're not physically active then you might want to think about taking up a sport, or jogging with a family member, even if a person is not over weight it dosen't necessarily mean they're in shape, everyone needs exercise.

You're pretty young to be having problems with cholesterol, so you can't rule out the possibility of genetic predisposition If you have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and still suffer from high cholesterol then that could be the case. Do any of your parents have high cholesterol.? You might have to get med prescribed for it.

Good luck, I hope helps! If anything try to cut down on the junk food, and eat more cheerios and drink more orange juice!Health Question & Answer

Too simplistic, total cholesterol count has variables [ LDL./ HDL/ triglycerides/ etc. ]. The important figure is "ratio" that is total divided by 'good' [ HDL ]. If your ratio is high, and/or your LDL is high, it can be dietary or genetic. Dietary, cut down on saturated fats and increase fruit/ vegetable intake. Genetic, you need cholesterols lowering meds. for the rest of your life.Health Question & Answer

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