UTI Symptoms- Now Blood In Urine After 4 hours of severe pain?!

Question: UTI Symptoms- Now Blood In Urine After 4 hours of severe pain.?
I used the restroom about 4 hours ago and ever since have had severe pain in my bladder and urethra, especially towards the end of my urination. I am a female and have had a UTI before yet it was never this severe. I'm drinking water and cranberry juice yet nothing seems to help. The pain is more severe when I sit or lay down. I constantly feel like I need to go pee yet when I go, there is hardly anything there. Within the past 30 minutes, I started noticing pink urine with some stringy red tissue in it. Could this be blood or the cranberry juice passing through.? Are there any ideas as to what this could be.? I have no pain in my kidneys yet my bladder is killing me. Please help. Health Question & Answer

It sounds to me like you either have another UTI or you have bladder inflammation for whatever reason and it can sometimes be that it is not caused by bacteria. I suggest that you go to the GP and have an MSU (urine test) done which he/she will no doubt send you for as routine anyway. If there is no bacteria then a follow-up with a urologist if this persists is the norm. They may perform a cystoscopy to have a look into your bladder and rule out any other problems. In the mean time you could go to the chemist and get some 'ural' or the likes which is in a sachet that you can add to water and drink. This will make your urine less acid and irritating to the soft tissues below so less pain. If it is a UTI this will help also. I hope this helps :), but please follow up with your GP.
Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a UTI. Bladder infections don't usually get better on their own in fact they can get unbearable painful right away. See your doctor asap. If it is a UTI the antibiotics work quickly. I have passed 2 kidney stones. I remember having more of a lower back/flank pain that came on suddenly.Health Question & Answer

Are you serious.?.? You have severe pain, bloody urine (yes, it's blood, not cranberry) and instead of dashing to the doctor you are polling the net.?

You probably have a UTI that may have reached your kidneys (that you feel no pain there NOW is irrelevant).

Go see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

This is a doctor question...get checked asap. You could be passing a stone or something, or you could have a serious infection.Health Question & Answer

See your doctorHealth Question & Answer

If there is enough blood in your wee that you can actually see a colour change, I recommend you get to a doctor as soon as you can.

The pain towards the end of weeing is typical of UTI symptoms, sometimes it is uncomfortable to sit and especially to wee. The blood however is not typical. I seriously doubt it's cranberry juice because your kidneys exist to only excrete excess fluid. Is your wee black when you drink coca cola or orange when you drink orange juice. Really think about it, the likelyhood of it being cranberry juice is almost none.

I've had UTIs before, typically drinking water can flush it out but it's not always the solution. I've never been able to see blood or pink stuff in my wee.

If the pain is so severe, you could have some kind of hematoma or perforation in your bladder - although this is incredibly unlikely.

Really, get to a doctor.Health Question & Answer

You more than likely have a kidney stone and it has moved down into the bladder. When those things move that's when the pain starts or depending on what kind of stone it is, you'll do some bleeding. Hopefully you will pass it out, and you'll know that when it happens. It right now is even blocking the urine flow. That would be my guess because I have had two of them over the years. But I have also had kidney and bladder infections. Severe infections there will raise your blood pressure and you will pass some blood. I can tell you what will kill any infections you have in the UT, and that is Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar. You put a tablespoon or tablespoon and a half in about 8 ounces of water and drink. Do this at least twice a day, and it will clear the infection before you know it. And if it turns out to be you have an infection, if you take that same amount of vinegar every day, you'll never have another infection there. vinegar is so good for you. Just go to any search site and type in vinegar uses. I found one that it has 1001 uses listed. If things don't get better soon, better see your Doctor and have some tests run to find out what the problem actually is. Wishing you the very best young lady and good luck on getting rid of that awful pain.Health Question & Answer

I am 99% sure you have a bladder infection, and it sounds like you've got a bad one.

If you can visibly see blood in your urine, you need to see a doctor. Drop the cranberry juice for a day and drink nothing but water, and drink LOTS of it. You need to pee a whole lot to keep your kidneys flushing. I was hospitalized for six months due to a severe kidney infection that almost killed me -- Keep your kidneys flushing, a lot, and you will be fine.

Buy some AZO. It will turn your urine a bright neon orange, but it will stop the pain (Unfortunately I'm allergic to it).

Schedule an appointment as soon as possible. You shouldn't see any tissue in your urine.

After you urinate, be sure to wipe around your urethra thoroughly and only go front to back.

You need antibiotics.

Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

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