Any tricks to deal with a clogged up ear?!

Question: Any tricks to deal with a clogged up ear.?
Without revealing too much detail, I have an ear infection in my left ear and am starting the general course of ear-snot fighting drugs with my doctor.
I was born prone to such infections, but this is just about the worst case of fluid inside my inner ear I have ever experienced (enough that I'm thinking of taking the day off because it's difficult to work.)
Since I'm already taking all the drugs for the darn thing, anyone got any suggestions for dealing with this as it slowly drains... lying on my side, gargling salt water...anything non-drug related that helps.?Health Question & Answer

Do not use ear candling! Ear candles simply remove the wax from your ear. If you were suffering from a waxy buildup that might be a good idea. However, with an ear infection, the smoke and other toxins that ear candles introduce into the ear can cause the infection to worsen.

Here are a few tips that may help. Lay with that ear down on a pillow. Put a heating pad under your ear as it will help to ease pain. also, don't be afraid to take Advil or some other pain killer. Gargling with salt water will help to dry up your hole respiratory system.

I've also heard that echinacea and garlic oil can help with ear infections.

Good luck and i hope you are feeling better!

Most importantly make sure that you keep your ear as dry as possible. Health Question & Answer

My husband did the ear candle thing for me.
As the heat relieves the pressure in the inner ear, as it opens the passages..
Oh i DO feel sorry for you, i was once hospitalized with the inner ear infection and the pain was unbearable.
Lay/sleep on a heating pad, if you can.Health Question & Answer

I would also suggest ear candeling. There are some great natural ones that my sister used to get because she would get a lot of ear wax that was very nasty and it would come back in about a day in large quantities. i hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

I have a problem with wax buildup in my ears. I put a few drops of peroxide in the ear and lay on my side while it loosens it up. I am not a doctor . I only play one on TVHealth Question & Answer

You could always go to a ear specialist and they can drain your ear for you, or they sell a kit, where you can flush out your own ear. Health Question & Answer

Try ear candlingHealth Question & Answer

My daughter is prone to those too. Sorry for your pain today...we will use the neti pot (can get it at CVS or any pharmacy) - it's a strange little thing but clears you out like nobody's business. You fill it with saline powder and water, put it in your nostril and lean forward and tilt your head over the sink. The water goes through your sinus cavity and drains all the shmeg out. That has really helped my daughter when she's feeling too much pressure and it won't affect your meds at all. I have used it myself when I get a sinus infection and it does truly help. The only other thing you can do is to put 4-5 drops (more or less...depending) in the clogged ear, lay so that it really works it way in and then flip your head to drain. It's the same thing as the drops they use for swimmers ear. Other than that, hot showers/steamy baths and an over the counter med for pain (tylenol or the like) should help you out. Good luck and feel better!Health Question & Answer

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