Why do kids think their so cool smoking a ciggarette?!

Question: Why do kids think their so cool smoking a ciggarette.?
kids who smoke ciggarrettes think they are so cool. aftre everyone gets out of school, all of the kids atay right in front of the school and smoke...
Why do they think they are so cool.?Health Question & Answer

i think its really bad that kids smoke, whats so "cool " about it. i wish i could stop people smoking at school. Health Question & Answer

They think that nobody can smoke the same way they can.Just for buying a pack of ciggarettes and smoking in front of the school they think that they all that and nobody can tell them what to do.Even though I don't see nothing cool about smoking a cigarettes, it actually bad for your lungs. And for a healthy life you should not smoke cigarettes.Health Question & Answer

Peer pressure. The media glorifies and glamorizes smoking. Maybe, their parents or other family members smoke. I think they need to get educated on what tobacco does to their lungs and body. Just because something is "cool" doesn't mean it is always healthy. Is this at a high school.? When I was in high school, students got in trouble if they smoked on campus. It is not cool to smoke cigarettes. They are destroying their lungs, and soon, they would not look so attractive (they will look a couple years older than their actual age). Those kids just want to show off. Health Question & Answer

You have a very small minded view of what kids should and shouldn't do. As a society many young individuals are looking to grow up as quick as they can. Turning 18 and being able to buy tobacco is one of the few 'rights of passage' we really have in our society. After that, what's left.? Being able to drink and vote, maybe. Those that look older to their peers usually become popular, and in a culture that views popularity as a successful trait, can you really blame them for wanting to look older.?

Health Question & Answer

wel bcuz im still a kid its cuz it makes u look like adults and or just tryin 2 fit in bt im not in couragin kids 2do it bt mostly da hole world will at least tri 1 cig bt ill do dat when im older cuz im still young and well i can get tht out of my way instead of thinkin omg my friendz r smokin i need 2 tri it u can say nope i tried once and i got sickHealth Question & Answer

Because nicotine, the drug in cigarettes, makes you feel that way, that whatever you're doing is cool and fun -- including smoking.Health Question & Answer

I am 16 and I smoke. For me it is not about being cool but relieving stress and I do it when no one is around.
They are not hurting anyone so let them think they are cool and smoke. Health Question & Answer

its what media and commercialism can do...
seconded by peer pressure...Health Question & Answer

two words buddy "peer pressure"Health Question & Answer

um... if they did that they would get expelled...Health Question & Answer

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