Which is more harmful: Bulimia or Anorexia ?!

Question: Which is more harmful: Bulimia or Anorexia .?
physically and mentally

(school project.. i don't have either.. just letting you know..)

Thank you.Health Question & Answer

Bulimia and anorexia are both realy harmful, physically and mentally but I'd say Bulimia is much more physically harmfull - due to the fact that when you throw up the acid coming from your stomach burns your mouth, rots your teeth and shreds up your osoephogas (sp.?) and throat
both are equally harmful mentally - both see the same problems with their bodyHealth Question & Answer

Anorexia (also known as anorexia nervosa) is the name for simply starving yourself because you are convinced you are overweight.
Bulimia (also known as bulimia nervosa) is characterized by excessive eating, and then ridding yourself of the food by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking enemas, or exercising obsessively. This behavior of ridding yourself of the calories from consumed food is often called "purging."

A person who suffers from this disorder can have it go undetected for years, because the person's body weight will often remain normal. "Binging" and "purging" behavior is often done in secret and with a great deal of shame attached to the behavior. It is also the more common eating disorder.

Eating disorders are serious problems and need to be diagnosed and treated like any medical disease. If they continue to go untreated, these behaviors can result in future severe medical complications that can be life-threatening.
Treatment of eating disorders nearly always includes cognitive-behavioral or group psychotherapy. Medications may also be appropriate and have been found effective in the treatment of these disorders, when combined with psychotherapy.
The disorders are caused by a complex interaction of social, biological and psychological factors which bring about the harmful behaviors.Health Question & Answer

Well both are extremely detrimental to your health, but probably bulimia. Health Question & Answer

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