Pros & Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide?!

Question: Pros & Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide.?
I'm writing an essay and the topic is Physician-Assisted Suicide.

I'm looking for mainly pro's, but if you can give me any information on it, that'd be greatly appreciated.

I'm not looking for any negative opinions, just need some information.

Thanks.Health Question & Answer

Someone who is in pain and is going to die anyway, won't have to deal with any more pain.
Someone who is in pain or is completely mentally incapacitated will not feel like or be a burden on their family (emotional burden of watching someone slowly wither away, financial burden of keeping someone with no brain alive)
Consider the right of someone to die with dignity while their mind is still intact instead of being kept alive against their will because they are to weak/incapacitated to communicate
And probably least importantly, more resources available for people who want to/are going to live. Health Question & Answer

I assume you mean euthanasia, these pretty much apply to both, although they're essentially the same thing:


Provides an end to extreme suffering for some people
Less potential for error
Right to die


The Hippocratic oath that doctors take that prohibits killing
Slippery slope to legalized murder

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