Can aids effect your mouth?!

Question: Can aids effect your mouth.?
well i have a brother that has aids and sometimes we share food and i was wondering if i could get aids by sharing foodHealth Question & Answer

There has NEVER been a documented case of HIV being transmitted by sharing food. HIV cannot be transmitted by saliva, there MUST be visible HIV+ blood in the saliva for there to even be a risk, and even then, the risk is low. Oral acquisition of HIV can happen, but nowhere near as easily as with unprotected sexual transmission

Yes, it isn't necessarily wise for you to share food and drink with others as there are other viruses/bacteria that can be spread, BUT there is no reason to freak out over this. HIV is NOT a concern in this case.

Be careful not to further stigmatize your brother by insisting on separate utensils etc. This will do NOTHING to protect you from HIV and only futher marginalize your brother.

So, don't make a habit out of sharing food with people, but don't freak out and NEVER share food with your brother. In fact, depending on your brother's stage of disease, you may pose more of a risk to him by sharing food with him ---- eg. an infection that is only a mild inconvenience for you may have a much bigger impact if you give it to someone with a weakened immune system.

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

Depends on what you mean by sharing. If by "sharing" you mean you eat off the same plate, the answer is no. But if you eat food that he has bitten into, then there is a possibility that you could get the virus in your bloodstream. Its not very likely to happen with just one such exposure, but if it happens enough you could be at risk, particularly if the food is rough or sharp and caused a break in the lining of your mouth.

disclaimer: this was not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, and should not be considered professional medical advice. see your own doctor for a medical opinion.Health Question & Answer

That's sad man. Sorry about your brother.

AIDS transfers through sex or blood-to-blood contact. I believe the chances are extremely rare through saliva. However, if you get a cut in your mouth, you'd be safer avoiding sharing then. HIV is in fluids and could get in through a cut. There have been some rare cases where a dental patient has gotten HIV from an infected dentist because the person had an open wound from the procedure and the dentist wasn't careful about his own fluids reaching the patient's mouth.

You should ask your brother's doctor though. The doctor's advice would be far superior to anything you hear from us on Yahoo.Health Question & Answer

Stop doing that and get tested! Aids can and does spread by saliva! Be careful and talk to a doctor to be on the safe side. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. I have a best friend that got with an illegal mexican lady, she told him she was born here and all of this and that. Well, turns out she was lying about everything, including she was also carrying aids. Now my friend has it due to her too. Hang in there, god bless, and be safe.Health Question & Answer

No you cannot get HIV by sharing food.
But it's just not a good idea to share your food with anyone - HIV infected or not. You won't get HIV, but you will get the common cold, and viral gastroenteritis.

Use your own plate and utensils.Health Question & Answer

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