Is anyone familar with Auditory Processing Disorder?!

Question: Is anyone familar with Auditory Processing Disorder.?
My 8 year old was just diagnosed after struggling in 1st and 2nd grade. She is in 3rd now and has a hard time writing stories and her spelling isn't very good. She also goes to a speech therapist for tongue thrust. I would love to hear some advice on how I can teach my child and help her to enjoy learning and school. Health Question & Answer

well, from what i understand it is a processing (dealing with information) problem that gets in the say of students really internalizing what they hear/learn (since so much of learning is from hearing).

one of the small things i have heard helps is to work with her on trying to remember what she hears...tell her one word in the morning and tell her you are going to ask her the same word when she gets home. increase it to 2, 3, 4 words, etc.

she is likely a student who cannot understand more than one direction at a time. think about it at your house. if you told her to put her shoes away, brush her teeth, and grab her school bag...would she remember and do it all.? most likely not.

can you get her to do them all.? sure, but chances are you have to do a few more things...give her extra reminders, ask her to repeat back what you asked, or tell her one thing at a time.

parents often don't realize this because it is just how their child has always been so they don't think of it as anything unusual.

she will likely be a student who will need directions written out for her, not just spoken. and i hate to say it...she will probably need a lot of support at home. she will need you to break her work down step by step and help her to think through the process. what seems automatic to you and i will not be automatic for her.

take heed...this is not anything to indicate that she will not be successful in life. she needs to find tricks and strategies to help her deal with her problem and that is what the school and you will be able to help her do. it will take time. years....

my friend's son has one of the worst auditory processing problems i've seen and he is now a 3rd year college student at a prestigious university...he would be graduating after 3 years, with honors, except that he wants to have a double major. he's a straight a student.

it all pays off, she will be fine. just remember to keep supporting her and have patience. :)

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