Urinary tract infection- how to tell my parents...?!

Question: Urinary tract infection- how to tell my parents....?
Well, I've done a bunch of googling, and it turns out that I am almost positive that I have a urinary tract infection. Or possibly urethritis, however that's spelled. I have come to terms with that, and I would very much like to see a doctor about this. My mother frequently gets them, and has told me this before.
I have NO idea what I am supposed to say when I ask my parents to go to the doctor.?
First of all, I'm very touchy about personal problems, and almost considered not getting treatment for it (until i read that I could die without treatment, lol) and trying to solve it on my own, because I REALLY do not want to have to be like "Hey, mom, I know its not like we have the money to afford a doctor or anything, but I'm peeing blood and it hurts to go to the bathroom, wanna make me an appointment.?"
what should I do.?
I'm so nervous, you guys have no idea how badly I get embarassed about these kinds of things. Ugh
please help me!!
thank you. :]Health Question & Answer

Don't be embarrassed. You do need to see a doctor (you're not likely to die from a urinary tract infection though) because you need treatment to get better - especially if you're urinating blood. You can go to a free clinic at a hospital if you feel you can't afford to see a doctor. I'm sure your mother will be happy to spend money on a doctor for your urinary tract infection - she'll understand how painful and annoying they are.

If you're embarrassed, just tell her you need to see a doctor and maybe she won't ask questions especially if you've been embarrassed in the past. You could write her a note if you don't want to talk face-to-face.Health Question & Answer

Its not that big of deal, people get these all the time. If your mom gets them, then why should you be so embarrassed.? Just tell her you think you need to go to the doctor. If she asks you why, just simply say it hurts when i pee, and i think i may have "one of those things" you get sometimes. Idk.. I would just tell her, its better to go to the doctor and get fixed, then try and live with it and be in pain and cause lifetime problems. Health Question & Answer

Ok- you need to tell them ASAP- if it is a UTI- it is more than likely very far along due to prolonging your doctors visit... I have had both a UTI and urithretitus- both can be very serius if you do not get treatment! It is nothing to be embaressed about or ashamed of! It happens to the best of us!Health Question & Answer

Well, Tell her your peeing blood and its not your period and you have no idea whats wrong (play dumb) I wish i could give you more advice, Honestly i would tell my mom ASAP, it may be horrifying but your health isn't a joke. Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

Just tell her you googled it and are pretty sure its a UTI. Or ask her what symptoms she gets when she has a UTI because you think you may have one. Health Question & Answer

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