Anti sleeping campain?!

Question: Anti sleeping campain.?
hi im here to tell you bout sleeping and the dangers... sleeping is a dirty Habit and is very addictive and extremely dangerous and risky, how so.? you ask.. well for example you could fall off the bed, or you could have a bad dream or even pee yourself, this is referred to as "wetting the bed"..
when you are sleeping you have no control in what your doing giving murderers and rapist a chance to murder or rape you.
if you or a loved one or someone you know has been sleeping then get them some help as SOON as possible.
thanks for your time, opinions.? let me knowHealth Question & Answer

I know! And have you heard about the danger of dihydrogen monoxide.? It is a deadly chemical but very addictive. It is toxic in large doses, and inhalation of it can rapidly kill. However once you start you take it, you can't stop, or you will die. Laboratory tests found to be present in all cancer cells. It is the main component in acid rain, and it corrodes metals quickly. It is also found in the sewage. All the dictators and murderers drink a lot of this.

However, this DANGEROUS chemical is present in all lakes and rivers and oceans and tap water, and we are forced to drink it everyday. The government has refused to ban this substance! Can you believe it.? I suspect they do not want to ban it because of the money involved.

Let's fight to ban dihydrogen monoxide!Health Question & Answer

this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.....

did you seriously put reference to murderers and rapists in your shpeel about sleep.?.? Your body and brain needs sleep to function properly.. take a few a&p or nutrition classes buddy..Health Question & Answer

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