What is better MDI or Nebulizer?!

Question: What is better MDI or Nebulizer.?
This is a question for asthmatics or those with allergies. Which helps you more after you are having asthma symptoms.? Your inhaler or taking your medicine through a Nebulizer.?
Why would you choose one over the other.?

Does that make any sense.? Health Question & Answer

The Nebulizer. If its a bad attack then my inhaler doesn't help and I need my nebulizer to get my asthma under control. I get the medicine more effectively through the nebulizer than the inhaler.

If its an attack I try to treat it with the inhaler first because it is more convenient, but if it doesn't help I do a nebulizer treatment and it get my breathing under control.Health Question & Answer

if you use albuterol inhaler it is for acute onset of symptom but is not long lasting. a nebulizer has a longer treatment time and you inhale as deep as you can so the medication gets further down in you airways. i only use one puff of the inhaler and its good enough but it all depends on how bad your symptoms are. The long acting inhalers are your steroids like flovent etc.. Health Question & Answer

I use my rescue inhaler for "right now "relief--if it is a longer problem with my asthma, a breathing treatment is called for.Health Question & Answer

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