Does the flu jab in the uk make you ill?!

Question: Does the flu jab in the uk make you ill.?
hiya, i had mine last week and im reactions at all.Health Question & Answer

Prevention is better than Cure

Despite popular belief,it cannot give you flu because it doesn't contain active viruses.

Some people get symptoms of a heavy cold at the same time or just after they've had the flu jab. This is a coincidence and the symptoms are usually caused by one of the many common cold viruses around in autumn and winter.

It's still possible to catch heavy colds after vaccination, as the flu jab only protects people from the flu virus, not other viruses.
"Flu" is used loosely nowadays to describe a heavy cold.

Flu vaccine contains components of two types of Influenza A and one type of Influenza B viruses. Because the flu virus is continually changing, and different types circulate each winter, a new flu vaccine has to be produced each year.Health Question & Answer

1. Why should I get the 'flu vaccine.? I'm healthy

No, the flu vaccine is for ALL people except for a small minority who should not receive it. By vaccinating yourself, YOU HELP PREVENT THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS to other family members, workmates and friends. The vaccine can't protect against all types of influenza virus, but the vaccine does give protection from the most common types of virus.

2. I don't want to get the vaccine because I got the 'flu from taking it last time.

Every now and then I hear this complaint from people. I don't doubt that they got sick from some sort of viral illness, but it wasn't caused by the vaccine and here's why:

THE VIRUS IN THE VACCINE IS DEAD The dead virus stimulates the immune system to develop antibodies to the virus but it takes about 2 weeks to build up your immunity. During this period of time, you can get the flu or any other type of viral infection that is not covered by the flu vaccine.

The flu vaccine gives protection against the 3 most common types of flu that researchers have determined are likely to be prevalent this season. If you are infected with any of these three strains, the flu vaccine will provide immunity for you or lessen the severity of the flu. If you are infected with a strain related to these three, then you will have some protection from the virus.Health Question & Answer

I have the flu jab every year, and while I always feel groggy and my arm aches for a day or two, it's a mild payment for relative safety from a virus much worse.

The flu vaccine contains dead samples of the virus, strains generally of influenza a and b.

The main times I've ever heard anyone have adverse reactions are those people allergic to eggs, as the virus is prepared in hen's eggs.Health Question & Answer

Possibly, we have 3 diabetics and an asthmatic in our office at work (unhealthy bunch and we work in the NHS lol) - we all had the flu jab this year and I was the only one to react to it, the reaction started about 8 hours after the vaccination, I am diabetic and could not take my meds for 2 days as felt so sick that I couldn't eat a thing, achey, feverish and exhausted, then after 3 days my arm swelled up at the injection site and I couldn't hardly move it for 2 days, I went to show the Doctor and they said I'd had a reaction which is rare but possible. They still said it was better to have it done than not as the flu would be more dangerous to me than a reaction to the jab. Reactions are usually short lived and so I've been told by my surgery, proper flu will knock you off your feet for a good fortnight and for people with certain medical conditions it can mean admission to hospital so even though it wasn't nice to have a reaction, I'm still happy I had it done.Health Question & Answer


B e careful about people like Rhinna & Dr Frank above who are pro government agendas and are ignorant about the ingreedients in vaccines, read on & and watch videos to know the truth that is deliberatley kept from you by the authorities.

Watch this video's for why you should

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