Are allergy shots worth it?!

Question: Are allergy shots worth it.?
I am thinking of getting allergy shots because my allergies are out of control and oral medications aren't cutting it anymore. I am constantly sneezing, have eye problems, skin conditions, and asthma. I am allergic to many things (food, pollens, mold, dust, cats, dogs, etc) and I'm fed up with having to take medications that barely work and will just make me sleep. I'm very busy, I'm a graduate student and I work. I don't want to get rid of my cats and my dog I'm not that allergic to since his fur is hypoallergic. My house is old and we try our best to clean it since my allergies are so bad, but it doesn't seem to do very much to help.

But, I'm worried about the cost and the time it takes to get the shots. My insurance covers for the shots, I just have to pay the co-pay to my doctor everytime I go in. But $25 2-3x a week at first for a few months is alot of money, I know after awhile I only have to go in maybe once or twice a month, but is it worth it.? Is it effective in treating allergies.?Health Question & Answer

I totally understand where you are coming from in the allergies department, because I too have severe allergies and chronic asthma. The thing is with allergy shots is that they won't work for everyone and I am one of the lucky ones who can't take allergy shots because they make my allergies worse. My mom took my brother and I every week for allergy shots when we were little, and we were allergic to the shots. Your animals are a big allergy factor too, even if your dog is supposed to be hypoallergenic, doesn't mean that you won't have allergies to him. Try and keep your animals out of your bedroom when you sleep, and make sure all your bedding is hypoallergenic as well (pillows, covers, comforters, etc.) It is also very important to change your sheets as often as you can... dust mites love you best when youre trying to sleep! Vacuum as much as possible, and dust every day if you can! also, make sure when you are washing your clothes that you are using dye free and fragrance free products... dryer sheets are a huge menace too. Older homes don't have as much ventilation, and I know cause I grew up in one too.

I truly believe that the shots won't help. Ask your doctor to switch up your allergy medicines every once in a while, so your body doesn't get used to the same pill. This time of the year for allergies is just horrible, period. I have been having to take my nebulizer like 4 times a day, decongestants like crazy, and I have had puffs plus with aloe glued to my side. In a couple of weeks your allergies should be a little better, but if you are still concerned get a second opinion from another allergist.

Good LUck and I hope you feel better!!!Health Question & Answer

allergy desensitization only works in about 50% of those who take them, it really is the luck of the draw.Health Question & Answer

It actually sounds like your insurance does not cover the allergy shots. The co-pay is equal to the cost of the shots. I had allergy shots and they were definitely worth it for me. I had to go to the allergist once a week for five years, then twice a month for a couple of years and finally, once per month for a couple more years. Allergy shots usually cost approx. $25 per session. I got three shots every time I went in. As you can see, allergy shots can cost $7000 or more total. I used to be practically housebound for August and September because my allergies were so bad. Now I don't even get hayfever then. The shots took two years to start helping and another three years to get the maximum benefit. I used to be allergic to nearly all raw fruits and vegetables. Now I can even eat salad and watermelon with no problems.
Before the shots start helping, I recommend that you get a steroidal nasal spray. Beconase AQ or Nasonex work well. They take about five days to start working. Health Question & Answer

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