Does a Digital SLR camera produce enough radiation to give you brain cancer?!

Question: Does a Digital SLR camera produce enough radiation to give you brain cancer.?
I've heard that cell phone emit radiation and can cause brain cancer, since a DSLR is a small electronic device can it do the same.?Health Question & Answer

While Digital SLR camera's haven't been shown to specifically cause brain cancer, your concerns are not entirely unfounded. I've been researching the effects of personal electronic devices at the University of Alberta for the past 4 years, specifically examining how prolonged or close proximity exposure to such devices can affect a persons overall health and well being.

Brain cancer has never come up in my research however, long term exposure to DSLR camera's (specifically Nikon products as they seem to be the worst) has been shown to cause cataracts, temporary blindness and in rare cases a variety of sinus conditions.

Our research has shown that an easy, albeit not so elegant method of blocking the radiation (and preventing continued exposure), is to wrap the body of your camera in a layer of aluminum foil, being sure to leave lenses, view finders, and buttons accessible (obviously) this simple step should help reduce your chances of exposure.Health Question & Answer

Cellphones emit radiation in terms of the signals they send to the base-towers so that you can actually talk to the other person. Whether that causes cancer is debatable.

Unless the camera's got some wireless communication system (Bluetooth maybe.?), it emits nothing of importance.Health Question & Answer

Cell phones contain powerful 2-way radios. Radios by definition use radiation to communicate with things such as cell phone towers.

DSLR cameras do not produce significant radiation when compared to a cell phone, because they do not contain radio transmitters.

Hope that helps.Health Question & Answer

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