Is this true about COPD and adrenal glands?!

Question: Is this true about COPD and adrenal glands.?
Just found out bit more information from doctor and nurse in ICU about my loved one's care. I heard from doctor she'd have to be off the corticosteroids in order to have a test done to determine function of her glands.

From nurse I heard COPD patients could go on (indefinitely, maybe) with steroids (such as Prednisone.?). Is this the case.? I did explain to her that first time patient had steroids nearly two years ago, nothing was mentioned about her continually using them, which in my opinion would be beneficial for her lungs since it would help w/ inflammation.

What are benefits of constant steroid use.? And what are the disadvantages.?Health Question & Answer

The long term use of prednisone can definitely help reduce inflammation and make breathing easier for people with COPD, although they in no way reverse the disease. also, over time, the steroids will be gradually less effective.

There are many drawbacks of taking steroids long term, though. They cause osteoporosis, so the bones break easily. The skin becomes papery thin and fragile. They cause trunkal obesity: the body becomes very fat, while the arms and legs are skinny. A buffalo hump of fat forms on the back of the neck; the patient develops a fat "moon face". The patient's blood sugar will be high (type II diabetes), so this must be tested and usually medications must be taken to get the blood sugar down. Taking insulin on a daily basis is often necessary. Healing from any illness or injury will be slow. Prednisone is a powerful immune system suppressant, so the patient will be susceptible to infection and healing will be slow. Glaucoma or cataracts can develop. The sex drive will be greatly reduced.

Patients who take steroids long term stop making natural corticosteroids in their own adrenal glands, so the drug cannot be stopped quickly. Doing so could be life-threatening.

As you can see, taking steroids long term is not something to do without considering the serious consequences. However, for a patient with severe COPD, drugs like prednisone can prolong life and relieve the symptoms to an extent. Health Question & Answer

I am no doctor but a COPD patient myself. My understanding is

If the Prednisone as in tablet - is not a good idea to take long term as this can and does cause serious side affects and additional health problems, however some patients will be prescribed this long term where it seems the only medication that helps patient breathe.

Inhaled steroids are not so harmful long term as the tablet, these also help one breathe easier, it is called the preventer medicine.

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