Why is my anal itch still around?!

Question: Why is my anal itch still around.?
I have had anal itching now for a week, i told my doctor and she said it is just the stomach acid coming through with my bowel movements that is causing it to get irritated and itch. well i have used everything imaginable i even took pinworm medication even though i know i didnt have them. I was also given fluconozole, and that was no help. I am at a loss as to what to do. I am washing properly and everything. I know what caused it in the forst place was wiping too much and making my butt raw, but now the itching just wont stop.....?.?.? any answers.?Health Question & Answer


Well, the diagnosis is still speculative, but you don't mention "piles" (hemorrhoids) and that is a very common cause of itching down there, especially after minor trauma.

'Piles' is where you have mild, swollen varicose veins just inside your anus canal. They can start to itch, if irritated, just like varicose veins in the legs can.

Here's a picture, it shows largish hemorrhoids, but they can be small and still cause trouble. http://www.drhomeo.com/photos/HEMORRHOID...

If it's hemorrhoids (piles), you may likely have had some blood on the toilet paper when you wipe.?

What I am going to suggest may sound a bit 'gross,' but I think it's worth a good try. It requires a certain degree of stoicism, and it depends on getting at the inside lining of the back passage, where piles are, to work.

Have your bowels open. Then at a washbasin (in private) or in a shower, soap your hands and use one soapy finger to clean out inside the anus canal. Use plain water to clear out the soap.

Get out and dry yourself. Get some cotton-wool and tear off a small piece, and roll it up into a small cylinder. Get some cortisone cream (1% hydrocortisone cream) or similar, - - Betnovate cream is maybe a bit strong for prolonged use. Soak up the cream into the cotton-wool wisp by rubbing and rolling.

Insert this cream-y cotton-wool cylinder into your anus and work it gently inside. Leave it in there. The cotton-wool will soak up any discharge, and will also put internal pressure on the piles. The cortisone cream will damp down the itching and soreness.

The cotton wool may drop out later inside your pants, or it will come out next time you have your bowels moved.

Hope this is of some help. I have known this to work where other things have failed.

Best wishes,

Belliger (retired uk gp)
belliger@nym.hush.comHealth Question & Answer

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