How many shots per day would a Type I diabetic need?!

Question: How many shots per day would a Type I diabetic need.?
Would someone diagnosed with Type I Diabetes at age 8, need more than one shot per day.? My sister had it and was diagnosed in 1969. She took one shot per day her whole life. How can someone with Type I only need one shot, I thought Type I meant your pancreas was completely failed.?.?.?.?.? Ive always wondered this. She only needed to take one per day. I think they misdiagnosed a lot of juvenile diabetics back then. She only had one doctor visit and they sent her home with a pack of needles.Health Question & Answer

type 1 refers to absolute deficiency of insulin due to reduced Beta cells,her pancreas simply cannot make enough insulin or does not make at all.
From the info ,sounds like she has some pancreatic function, tho not enough to achieve homeostasis (normal blood glucose levels) and requires a longer acting type of insulin to maintain the norm.
She sounds like a compliant diabetic,very difficult to achieve.
Maybe her GP should review Dx and Px.Diet vital role to achieve a balance.Most diabetics i have treated are on a sliding scale ,this gets more complicated,as i said,difficult to treat at times.Health Question & Answer

That's a hard question to answer. Depending on the person and the types of insulin every person could be different.
When I was first diagnosed, I would take 4 shots a day. After a year I switched types of insulin and took between 5 and 10 shots a day depending on what I was doing. After another period of time I switched again and took 3 shots a day. Now I'm on a pump and only have to change the needle every 3 days.
In 1969 things were quite different than they are now. They were still using pig insulin, which works differently than most of the types available today. I don't know all the details of pig insulin, but I can't imagine being able to survive with only one shot per day.Health Question & Answer

I take a minimum of 4 a day. (One with every meal and my long acting insulin). I was diagnosed in 2003, not 1969. Medical treatment and technology for diabetes has come along way since 1969.Health Question & Answer

i take 4 shots a day minimum, it depends on eating and snacking (3 with meals, 1 long active and covering snacks)Health Question & Answer

Nowadays, most type 1s take four or more shots a day. But that's relatively recent. Way back when, we subscribed to the idea of giving people one or two shots per day and making them eat whenever that insulin happened to peak. It wasn't very exact, but managing diabetes was not at all exact back then at all. We (especially those of us who pump insulin) test our blood an upwards of 12 or more times per DAY- years ago, having one urine test a week was not unheard of.

I still know an elderly t1 who, having been diabetic for most of her life, still takes one 60 unit shot of n per day and otherwise eats regularly, and experiences extreme fluctuations in glucose because of it. Her doctor hasn't recommended the change because she's not seeing an endocrinologist and he.. just doesn't know better, I suppose.

Unless she was pretty overweight, type 2 diabetes would not be what I would assume even now that we know younger kids can be type 2's, it's usually related to being obese, which is far more common now. Bear in mind, an overweight person can be a type 1 as much as anyone else.

But more to the point, your wording frustrates me. It's like you're accusing your mother of taking more time away for your sister than she did for you and using excuses for it. Back then, diabetes was NOT as easily managed as it is now, and even now most of us spend a LOT of time managing the disease- something an 8 year old girl would not be able to do.

Seriously evaluate why you're questioning this so much.Health Question & Answer

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