Why do white people have a odor? why do they have big lips?!

Question: Why do white people have a odor.? why do they have big lips.?
because they are decaying daily, and about the lips, because steven tyler and mick jagger have too many kids.Health Question & Answer

Some white people don't bathe, that is why they smell. The big lips, its called collagen, white people pay for lips that black people have naturally. So, if you ask me, the big lip thing is being copied by white people.Health Question & Answer

LOL it appears they took the black one down, did someone flag it or what.? I went to answer it and it wouldn't go to it.Health Question & Answer

White people don't nessesarily have big lips
and it isn't just white people who forget to wear deodrant
from your pic it looks like you're white
so stop being so racistHealth Question & Answer

WHITE people have big lips.? girl what ru smoking.?Health Question & Answer

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