Leukemia....I'm scared...?!

Question: Leukemia....I'm scared....?
I'm 14, i'm kinda scared. I think i might have leukemia. the symptoms are.
Fevers or night sweats - sometimes

Frequent infections - i get sick easily, really easily, and i'm cold all the time.

Feeling weak or tired - yes! very very much so, no matter how much sleep i get, i feel so so weak and tired. and i've kind of lost my ability to do sports for long periods of time.

Headache - alllll the time

Bleeding and bruising easily (bleeding gums, purplish patches in the skin, or tiny red spots under the skin) - Bruising deff-very easily, i get sores on my gums.

Pain in the bones or joints- yeah

Swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (from an enlarged spleen) -sometimes

Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit - no.

Weight loss - yes, and i feel full a lot, i barely need to eat anything to feel full.

please help! i was just told i was anemic, and been taking the pills for a while now, and they're not helping at all.

I don't get too much, or too little sleep, I probably get 8 hours a night, 6 or 7 some nights, 9 others.
I drink water, and i take a multivitamin every day. I eat as much as i need to to fill me up. I don't eat much junk, i eat a balanced diet. I generally exercise regularly, but as i said i don't really have the stamina to anymore. help.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

I have all the same symptoms as you and I dont have Leukemia..

I was tested multiple times and I don't have it.....

So things aren't always what you think they are...............

Although the symptoms fit, bruising can be caused by your anemia or a platelet disorder...............

All the other symptoms can fit 1000's of other diseases.........

You may be sick with something, in fact you probably are....

You need to go to your doctor and have a full workup done.....

Tell them how you are feeling and suggest they test you for the major diseases and cancers......and even some of the lesser known diseases........

If you believe you are sick, keep going to the doctor and telling them to check you for certain diseases......

I've been very sick for 5+ years now and It took a long time to find out whats wrong, and even now I only know 50% of whats wrong......

Sometimes people never get diagnosed properly!

It's common to wait 5-20 years to get a diagnoses for a disease.....

people can have lupus for years before its found out......

The only way you can find out whats wrong is by doing the appropriate blood tests........................

I've been through 1000's of these...Blood work is nothing to me.......I've had surgery while wide awake and barely drugged......I've had so many medical procedures done.....


There is no pain.......

Go GET TESTED! Be strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Don't give up on trying to find out whats wrong with you if you believe something is wrong!

Even if the doctors say you are fine, Don't listen to them if you still feel sick...........

See a new doctor if one says you are not sick.............make sure your doctor understands how bad you feel......

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Health Question & Answer

The Leukemia Information Center is an educational library of comprehensive information on adult myelogenous leukemia (AML) for healthcare professionals and consumers in the United States.

http://www.meds.com/leukemia/leukemia.ht...Health Question & Answer

OH STOP IT- you were informed you were anaemic. That's all. all the symptoms you described are attributed to that. End of subject. Read up on anaemia eat some spinach exercise, get out in the sun & you will be fine. Stop looking for more to be wrong with you -- you Really Don't want Luk. Try to go Volunteer in a hosp. sometime, & you will see some Sick kids. It's not Pretty. Enjoy your health give the vitamens time BUT u must still eat properly even if u are taking vitamens. Do NOT be a Hyperchondriac honey, at your age there is absolutely no reason for anything else to be the problem.

PS The test to show the anemia, or prob. didn't need one would prove That is ALL you Have!!Health Question & Answer

Leukemia is a serious illness, cancer in fact, and if you are feeling this bad, talk to your parents and have a blood test done. If you are anemic, you'll have many of the same signs and symptoms. Health Question & Answer

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