Hypoxic drive?!?!?!? Explain please!?!

Question: Hypoxic drive.?!.?!.?!.? Explain please!.?
Can someone please explain in simple terms what hypoxic drive is.?.?.?.? I am confused as to what it actually is.?.?.?

Thank you! :) Health Question & Answer

In a normal person it is the carbon dioxide in the blood that triggers the urge to breath. In a person with compromised gas exchange (COPD, chronic bronchitis) the body gets used to the high levels of CO2 and so no urge to breathe. For these individuals, it is the lowered oxygen level that triggers the urge to take a breath. This is hypoxic drive. Health Question & Answer

Normally your body uses the concentration of CO2 in the blood to determine breathing rate. Some patients suffering from COPD (Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) are unable to properly remove CO2, and so the body becomes used to perpetually high levels of CO2 and relatively low levels of O2. In these cases, breathing is triggered primarily by low O2 as opposed high CO2 (= hypoxic drive, or 'driven by low oxygen').

When such a patient is put on high flow oxygen (in a hospital or by a paramedic generally), the body suddenly experiences a much higher level of O2 then it's used to. Because the O2 levels stay so high much higher than normal, the body doesn't feel the need to breathe and may enter respiratory depression (less than 8 breaths/minute). As long as the health professional is paying attention, the problem can usually be solved just by taking the patient off high flow oxygen but is something you have to watch for.Health Question & Answer

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