Why cant antibotics cure viral diseases?!

Question: Why cant antibotics cure viral diseases.?
i need it for my Y10 homeworkHealth Question & Answer

The size of a virus does matter to a certain degree, but its not really that important its more the structure which is

Ill explain how antibiotics normally work then it might become a bit easier to understand why they dont work.

there are a lots of different types of antibiotics and they all have a differnet mechanism of action. Some are bacteriostatic (inhibit bacterial cell replication) and some are bacteriocidal (kill the bacteria). Within the subset of bacteriostatic antibiotics, there are ones which act upon the cell wall and there are ones which act upon the nucleus. Im going to use penicillin as an example which was the first antibiotic. it is bacteriostatic and acts upon cell walls.

bacteria need cell walls because their membranes are not very sophisticated and cannot control the amount of water that enters (our cell membranes can), hence why they need a cell wall otherwise they would explode through the amount of water which would enter. penicillin and other antibiotics that act upon the cell wall, act to block the production of this cell wall. penicillins functional group is referred to as beta-lactam which inhibits the synthesis of the cell wall. therefore penicillin will only kill bacteria which are replicating (because it cant inhibit the synthesis of the cell wall once its been made!). it will not kill bacteria already present.

It essentially slows down the rate of replication after which yourbody can finish off the rest.

consider now a virus. a virus is so small and does not posses some of the criteria needed to classify it as a living organism (going back to the mnemonic MRS GREEN). it is essentially just a small protein which is a code. they enter our cells by essentially tricking it into believing it is a protein that is supposed to be entering the cell. once in the cell it highjacks the cells own machinery to replicate itself and causes the cell to malfunction. this is why it is not considered by some to be living, because it requires a host to replicate itself.

given all the information, it should now be apparent why antibiotics dont cure vial disease. because antibiotics act on an actual organism to either kill it or stop it replicating. viruses on the other hand use our own cells to cause illness. they also do not posses cell walls which could be targeted by the cell-wall antibiotics, nor can they be killed because they are not essentially alive until they enter a host.

lot of info, but hopefully that should be more than enough to get you through your year 10 hmwk! its just quite a complicated question which requires a lenghth answerHealth Question & Answer

Antibiotics kill bacteria, not virus's. Many antibiotics work by disrupting the bacteria's cell wall. Viruses don't have a cell wall. Bacteria are single-cell organisms.

Bacteria and viruses spread very differently. Bacteria live by themselves. They have a protective cell wall around them. They enter our body and multiply. This causes us to get sick. Antibiotics destroy the bacteria1s protective cell walls and kill them.

Viruses cannot live by themselves. They do not have a protective cell wall. They enter the body, go into cells, and then make more of themselves inside the body's cells. Antibiotics do not work on viruses because they do not have the protective cell wall

Bacteria is alive, this basically means it can be killed by a chemical agent. Antibiotics are chemical compounds that kill off bacteria by destroying their cell walls or neutralising their ability to reproduce.

Viruses are not considered living creatures. They cannot be 'killed' in the same sense as antibiotics kill bacteria or insecticide kills insects.Health Question & Answer

antibiotics work to cure bacteria, but they can't cure a virus. no medicine can cure a virus, that's why there's no cure for the flu except your own immune system. viruses change shape and are too small to be attacked by anything but your own immune system, which needs to build up antibodies that resemble the virus to attack it. that's why we get flu shots to try and ward off the flu. we get a small dose of the flu virus, small enough that the body can build up the antibodies against it before the virus spreads and makes us sick. the memory of those anitbodies is retained by the immune system, so if we come in contact with the flu virus again in the next few months, the body can instantly produce the antibodies to attack it, and kill of the virus before it spreads. anitbiotics only fight bacteria, and only as long as you are taking them; they make no memory imprint on the immune system and are not produced by the body.Health Question & Answer

cuz virus never dies, they just become latent. once ur body is weak, it will become active again...

antibodies work only when u haven't encounter the virus yet. if i hav been infected, its useless because the virus is already in your body and can't be prevented.Health Question & Answer

Viruses are two small. They are the similar to neuron toxins that block connectors in the brain, only virus change shape all the time. They adapt a bit like human do.
Could we be a virus to.
After all we need the emune system.Health Question & Answer

Although they both can cause disease viruses and bacteria are very different to each other. Antibiotics only kill bacteria because the site of action of antibiotics is only found in bacteria. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Health Question & Answer

A virus is too small
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