Can dental abscess develop into cancer?!

Question: Can dental abscess develop into cancer.?
I had a dental abscess two years ago. I thought it was gone. It doesn't hurt, but I can feel hard thing above my tooth (half bean size). It doesn't cause me any discomfort. However, the thought that it might develop to tissue cancer is freaking me out. My dentist gave me two sets of antibiotics, but it didn't help. Any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

I think it might be scar tissue. Cancer is extremely unlikely. If it's not hurting you, I wouldn't worry about it.Health Question & Answer

no, it really will not develop into cancer.

mom, above, is correct -- very likely scar tissue from the old site of inflammation.

for the purely academically inclined -- there IS something called "Marjolin's Ulcer", which is squamous cell carcinoma that arises at sites of chronic inflammation. It can develop in the skin at the site of a chronic draining abscess that is left untreated for months or years. But again, this requires the presence of very prolonged untreated infection --- that's not the case for you. You just had an abscess that was drained. In fact, I published a dermatology journal article on this a few years back. (:-)

final note - if you smoke or chew tobacco, then everyone will always have heightened concern for mouth cancer. and you'll be more likely to biopsy things that would otherwise be no concern at all. So if you fall into that category - get rid of the tobacco and you'll remove that risk.

Botom line - you're ok, but make sure not to miss your follow-up appts with your dentist - he will biopsy any mass that looks unusual.Health Question & Answer

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