HELP!!! Weird zit things?!

Question: HELP!!! Weird zit things.?
I have these weird zit things on my upper arms ( both arms). My friend told me that there clogged pores or something. I have a lot of skin problems so could that be part of it.? Has anyone ever had something like this.?
ThanksHealth Question & Answer

What you have is probably a skin disorder called 'keratosis pilaris'. It is an extremely common and harmless genetic follicular condition. This happens when your skin is not shedding properly. The dead skin cells clog the pores of your skin. It most commonly occurs on the arms, buttocks, thighs, etc. You need to exfoliate your arms every time you are in the shower (Not hard though, because that would be damaging. Do it gently.) If it doesn't improve within about a month, go to a dermatologist. They may be able to help you.

Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

yeah try this..

Acne is a bacteria that needs to be killed. Witch Hazel is also works great.. it is a little smelly, but you can use a cotton ball or wash cloth. It will tke away the oiliness. `Tea Tree Oil will kill out the bacteria or weaken it enough not to bother you. Apply it to the effected areas with a q-tip or cotton ball after you have washed.

You should get a good multivitamin(highly suggest) with vitamin a,c,e,d and zinc.. this should help tons! Eating carrots also helps.. there is beta-carotene (Vitamin A) in them which helps prevent acne and repair the skin. Take zinc, zinc is a antibacterial agent. Make sure to dink plenty of water and get good rest at night.

Azelaic Acid is a great natural acid that reduces the growth of bacteria, restores the skins cells and reduces inflammation. Try using a topical with Azelaic Acid in it.. it is safe.

also, change/wash your pillow case and sheets every other day.

There are ways to put moisture back into your skin and heal it, such as: drinking lots of water, making sure you are eating enough fat/omega-3 oils. Lotions with mineral oil can dry out the skin, use one with out it! Emu Oil ( ) contains vitamin A and E, Sapogens ( makes skin softer), and Oleic acid (a skin cell regenerator, anti-wrinkel agent) - walgreens sells emu oil.. i would think walmart would as well.Health Question & Answer

my sister has that the doctor told her to use a lufa (sp.?)Health Question & Answer

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