Where and How did AIDS start?!

Question: Where and How did AIDS start.?
Most HIV researchers agree that HIV evolved from the closely related Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), and that HIV was transferred from non-human primates to humans in the recent past. The details of how and where this occurred remain controversial, and no single hypothesis has been unanimously accepted. The bitten hunter theory is one among many. What is know it that for a virus to jump species it's host must be immuno-suppressed and the virus must mutate. It is thought that the first known infected human occurred about 1924 and was possibly deliberately concealed. Once the virus spread to crowed urban areas, it was it quickly took root and by the 1950's it's symptoms were being noted and metropolis' such as New York. However as we know, the virus was not noted as a major concern in this country until the 1980's and was an epidemic by then.Health Question & Answer

i had learned it in my med class at harvard, that there was an african warrior that was hunting monkeys for his tribe and the monkey had aids and when the warrior killed it and was guting it he had cut himslf and the blood from the monkey got in his system he then had aids then when his kids were born...this was like 3 years later they died and then on and on and on. this is how aids firtst started out and it first started in africa. hoped this helpedHealth Question & Answer

Shortly after the second world war, some sick-o in africa must have did the nasty with a monkey and caught it...the rest is history.

Follow this link to read it for yourself:

http://fohn.net/history-of-aids/Health Question & Answer

Disease came from poor black people in the ghetto's and inner cities.. It basically started in and around toilets and sinks from them people not keeping a clean house.. Came from germsHealth Question & Answer

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