Is it possible for deppresion to go away by itself?!

Question: Is it possible for deppresion to go away by itself.?
Is there any possibility that severe depression can go away by itself without any clinical treatment.? Please anyone that has any ideas let me know, thanks:)Health Question & Answer

It is now commonly believed by experts that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Not getting treated could have very serious consequences so speaking to someone like your doctor should be a priority.

It may go away by itself, but in most cases the longer you leave it untreated the worse it gets.

***EDIT** don't know why someone gave me a thumbs down, the advice I gave is from personal experience... from someone who let depression go on and on until I almost let it win.Health Question & Answer

It all depends on the type of depression. Clinical depression is caused by a permanent imbalance off chemicals in the brain and this does need long term medication to make the brain function normally. Depression that is caused by things that happen to a person might need to be treated with medication but just short term and then the depression goes away and the body can manage to be normal on its own.Health Question & Answer

This is a tough one. depression is something that everyone experiences at one time or the other. Most people have at one time or another thought that they're world is going to with a break up or death..This kind of depression usually goes away with time. However, recently, doctors have begun to prescribe prozac and other meds to lift someones depression.
Friends are pivotal in beating depression, if you get to a doctor.....there could be an imbalance in in your serotonin levels.Health Question & Answer

Depression is when you're less active than usual and when you have a negative outlook on life. The only way to cure depression is dealing with the issue itself (If possible) - You have to tell someone how your feeling, whether its your mother, father, friend or trusted teacher, you have to be heard.

Maybe take up some afterschool/work programs that will regain your happiness.
:) Best of luckHealth Question & Answer

nope not really.
unless there was something major to make you change your state of mind. maybe something really good that may happen.
I think that taking meds to help depression doesnt always work and sometimes you end up worse off. Myabe you could find something to make you active or something to occupy your time to distract you from your depression. I took the easier way and just smoke weed sometimes.. it makes me relaxed and carefree. Health Question & Answer

Depends on what kind of depression. I guess I had "situational" depression. Now that I'm not in the same situation, I'm not depressed anymore. Some depression is caused by deeper issues, such as abuse in childhood, genetics, etc., that are not so easily cured on its own.Health Question & Answer

Yes I have known people that have recovered without intervention. But if it is bad enough that you have suicidal thoughts or you can not do normal daily activities you should seek a doctors help.Health Question & Answer

Yes it is possible. not all depression is clinical. Sometimes all you need is a change for the better. Do something new or different. Or fall in love, that always works.Health Question & Answer


The thing is, you have to preoccupy yourself. And surround yourself with people, doesn't have to be people you know. Just people. Like, maybe sit in a park, or a mall. something like that.Health Question & Answer

Yes, It's possible. I wouldn't count on it though. You have to help. If you don't want to get clinical help...
I know it is a cliche but excercise and proper diet can help with any disease processHealth Question & Answer

no... not really. i have seasonal depression so i am always depressed in the winter... and it happends every yearHealth Question & Answer

that all depends on the person and what family/friend support they have. but yes it is possibleHealth Question & Answer

Keep yourself occupied with things that you enjoy doing. & keep bad thoughts out of your head.Health Question & Answer

either a
smoke a doob
or b masterbateHealth Question & Answer

Eh...mine hasn't....Health Question & Answer

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