What if I get food in my molar extraction hole?!

Question: What if I get food in my molar extraction hole.?
I had my back right top molar pulled 9 days ago and it is healing very nicely (thanks for all the advice!). I was so scared that I would get a dry socket, so I took really good and tender care of it.
My panic now is that I'm going to get food in the small hole that is left and I won't be able to get it out! The hole is healing more every day...what if I get a piece of food in there and it doesn't come out and the hole heals up!.? Can that happen.?
I am still doing my rinses after eating and only chewing on the good side but when I feel the hole with my tongue, it feels like something is in there. Is it just the new skin growing over.?
And if I do have food in there and it heals, then what happens.?
Please help! Any advice or answers appreciated!
Thanks so much!Health Question & Answer

Hello...You know it's almost impossible to avoid getting food particles in an extraction site...If the empty socket is healing properly it still has remnants of the original blood clot in it and that works as a seal...the empty socket heals from the bottom up and it takes awhile to fill.....Even when the socket is completely full the area continues to both heal and change size and shape over a 5 to 6 month period of time. Just practice thorough but gentle rinsing after each meal and you will do fine. Good luck and I wish you well.Health Question & Answer

There is a syringe they can give you that has a curved tip. It is made especially for extractions, to stick in the little hole and flush out the food particles. It's generally only necessary for lower extractions, but alot of people use it on top too. They say gravity works really well with keeping food debris out of the top, but there's always a possibility. If they didn't give you the syringe, you could call and ask if they have one available.
Rinsing with salt water works really well to help it heal faster. Not swooshing, that can be too aggressive. Just letting it set in your mouth, gently moving it around so it gets to the area.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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