Whats an effective way for a teen to loose weight?!

Question: Whats an effective way for a teen to loose weight.?
im 5'4" and over 140 lbs. i dont feel good about my weight (especially my love handles and thighs) and i was wondering if anyone has any good tips to loose weight create a better lifestyle. Health Question & Answer

I think it's a little unhealthy for teenagers to obsess over their weight (or anyone for that matter). I know it's difficult to have self esteem when you don't like your body. I'm the same height as you and when I was a teenager I was over 140 pounds too (ten stone something, it fluctuated a bit). I found there was little I could do to loose weight, I ate quite healthily and all but I think when you're a teenager and your body's still developing and there's not much you can do to change it for a while. I'm 22 now and about 110 pounds, my love handles disappeared and my thighs aren't as bad as they once were.
I suppose the best advice is opposed to going on a particular diet you should just eat smaller portions and try to be as active as you can.
I lost the weight when I moved out (and couldn't afford to eat as much) and was going to college and waitressing pretty much every day.

Sorry I can't give you anything more constructive than that. Your weight is pretty healthy for your age, though - you're not overweight, it's just a little puppy fat (sorry, I know that's a horrible phrase)!Health Question & Answer

The number one thing you can do is count calories. I used an inexpensive computer program called "FitDay" since I could not afford to sign up for Weight Watchers. This program tells you how many calories you should be taking in each day, and will count the calories in the food you eat daily. Try to eat healthy low calorie, low fat foods whenever possible. Consider bringing your lunch to school if healthy options aren't available. It's ok to have "junk food" once in a while, but make sure you do it in moderation. You don't need to diet as long as you are careful about what you eat.

The second most important thing is exercise. Keep yourself moving as much as you can. If you're not into sports, find opportunities to walk, or do other exercises you enjoy. Maybe even try some workout videos. Yes, they can be very dorky, but that's part of the fun - my friends and I loved making fun of the exercise videos while we worked out.

If you eat less and move more, you're bound to get in shape! A healthy weight loss rate is about 2 pounds per month, so it will take some time. You should probably talk to your doctor before you start anything to make sure your body is physically fit for exercise and to get other advice tailored to your needs. There may even be an underlying medical reason for your weight, such as an underactive thyroid gland.

Make sure you have realistic expectations for yourself. Everyone has aspects of their body that they don't like (my thighs have always been a problem too!). It is great that you're taking the initiative to get healthy - now's the time to start!Health Question & Answer

The formula for losing weight is simple - consume less and move more often - the difficulties surface when we actually try to put that into practice! There are loads of stumbling blocks out there aren't there.?! I got some good information by visiting the web resource in the box below, they have loads of tips and tricks, I lost 5 pounds by following their tips.Health Question & Answer

It's very important to pay close attention to what you eat. I suggest stop eating meat and get your protein from much figure friendly foods. Such foods could be fresh fruits and vegetables. also, do some sort of physical exercise everyday. It may be hard at first, but you will be able to do it! also, going for a walk or doing some sort of physical activity decreases stress, and stree can put on the pounds. also, when you're thirsty don't reach for the pop drink water instead! You're body can't get the nutrients it needs from pop and water has no calories!Health Question & Answer

simple, make the world eat more than you do so the social perceptive of being fit and thin looks alot like you, then you wont have to worry about being a little chubby,
that took longer than i thought to type lol

no but for real, be fit and active, and drink alot of fluidsHealth Question & Answer

LAY OFF THE SODA AND CANDY,,,, energy drinks too, even diet soda, no fried chicken, toast instead of biscuits, lean beef, skinless chicken, less everything, even lettuce and pasta turns to sugar. Instead of watching TV/ comp, with some chips. Go for a walk. Drink water.Health Question & Answer

try running or doing machines at a gym. You can also try eating healthier.Health Question & Answer

Diet and exersice is a good startHealth Question & Answer

run track
thats how i did itHealth Question & Answer

u dont look like ur fatHealth Question & Answer

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