Why do so many overweight people smoke compared to healthy people?!

Question: Why do so many overweight people smoke compared to healthy people.?
idk. i always see more people who are overweight and smoke and drink, than people who are in shape. Lets say on a day to day basis, ill see one fit healthy looking person smoking, and 10 overweight people smoking. Why is this.? does smoking have any lead to obesity or other illness.? has anyone else noticed this.?Health Question & Answer

Just because you're skinny or in shape does not mean you are healthy.
Often people that are prone to obesity or over-eating are also prone to other addictive behaviors.
also, some things that lead people to over-eat or stop them from exercising can lead people to smoke, like stress or abuse. Health Question & Answer

A person with a few extra pounds can be healthier than a "slim" person.
I don't think more heavy people smoke than "healthy" people, do to the fact that nearly 60 percent of people in the US. are overweight. That percentage sums it up neatly; if there are more bass in the water, more bass will be caught.

Health Question & Answer

maybe they smoke for comfort. some people smoke to reduce stress. smoking leads to lung cancer but not obesity. well, this might be a reason because there are more obese people then healthy fit people. did you take that into consideration.?Health Question & Answer

Smoking reduces the appetite so I guess people assume they will lose weight.

It might also be because smoking is a relaxant and depletes your lungs so they don't feel like exercise, hence the weight.Health Question & Answer

because skinny people tend to care more about their health and how they lookHealth Question & Answer

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