What can I do to loose body Fat? ?!

Question: What can I do to loose body Fat.? .?
I am a very heavy (but healthy and active) 37 year old woman... I do cardio three times a week, and work with weights at the gym. My problem is that I can't afford a trainer and don't know how to plan my workout. I want to loose body fat. Any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

If you are trying to lose fat your going to need to do cardio more than 3 days...weights are huge, but lift low weight with high reps do 3 sets of 15 reps and do 3 excercises per gym day. Eat alot of lean protein, cut out sugar and drink water. And if you are trying to lose Body fat and not weight DO NOT use the scale as a judge. Go to GNC and buy a body fat caliper and test yourself weekly.Health Question & Answer

Yes, try eating foods which help you lose weight such as curry.Health Question & Answer

If you're active and can't lose much weight, then your organs may need more support.

Start off by eating more fruits and vegetables. Don't go cold turkey and cut a lot of your favorite foods out, that might just frustrate you. Instead, eat an apple once a day to start, and then incorporate more fruits and veggies into your regular meals(such as more low-cooked tomatoes and peppers into meat based meals, such as lasagna). Avoid sugar, it gets you craving for other stuff, including sugar! Eating more plants will help get more nutrients+antioxidants into your body. I recommend carrot, cabbage, cucumber and beet juice if you have juicing facilities available, those are great for losing excess pounds. Add a little of a fruit to the juice if you can't stand the taste. Experiment! You may find a great tasting juice, that helps you lose weight.

Drink more water also, preferably clean water. If you don't have access to clean water(most people don't), add a drop or two of dechlorinating solution, then add 1/8th teaspoon of borax and then 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt to 1 US gallon of water. Dechlor gets rid of the chlorine, borax binds to the fluoride, making it harmless in the body(and therefore more easily excretable) and the sea salt helps to alkalize the water. You can also purchase a water treatment solution, such as products from pHion, most notably their ph boosting kit. It helps the water become more palatable, and you may find water treated with it replacing some of the food you eat.

I also recommend getting more iodine in your diet, lugol's solution is a good supplement for this. It helps the thyroid, and that gland is also responsible for your body temp and metabolism, as well as weight control. Supplement iodine with other multi-nutrients, such as spirulina to round out your supplementation(remember, everything in balance!). also remember that there can be conflicts with vitamins and nutrients(such as vitamin C destroying iodine), so make sure to space out your supplementation and do your research on other nutrients.

also, give your organs a rest! You may want to try fasting for one day a week(try it on sundays). You can drink only water on this day, or you can use a little psyllium, which helps to keep you full, or you can just drink fruit/vegetable juices the whole day. Before you fast though, minimize your last meal the day before by eating a fruit or vegetable instead of a lot of meat and other heavy foods - the LAST thing you wanna do is dream about food when you're fasting!

One more thing - if you're experiencing negative symptoms such as aches of the body(head aches, stomach aches etc.) when you do these things, it usually means your body is cleaning house! Sometimes if you really want to get healthy, things have to get worse before they get a lot better, as your body draws more toxic substances than usual, out of your body for excretion.

Good luck! I was getting the right foods and exercising, but I couldn't lose weight, I had to fast on water for 2 weeks before the pounds would start coming off. I would highly recommend you start researching about weight loss. This kind of thing requires multiple plans of attack(for example healthy emotional management and eating, juicing, exercise and frequent excretion) to completely fix the problem.Health Question & Answer

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