A few quick questions!?!

Question: A few quick questions!.?
A few questions:
1. I have a bit of fat on my belly (not much). So if I work my abs, will it just make me look fatter or will it help show my abs.? Yes or no.?

2. If I work my abs will it burn my belly fat.?

3. I drink about 3-5 cups of cola a day. If I swap that with water will it help me lose weight and and will I see results.?

Thanks.Health Question & Answer

1 cup of regular soda is about 150 calories..
so 3 to 5 cups is 450-750calories..
a pound of bodyfat is 3,500 stored calories
the coke is adding 3,150-5,250 calories a week
thats adding about a pound to a pound and half of body fat a week
to your body!

(calculations assume you have a consistent diet that meet your total daily need)

so switch to water or diet soda, and keep your diet the same and youll be losing a pound to pound and a half of fat a week.

1. It will not make you look fatter, it will enhance appearance/tone
2. no chance, it will not burn your belly fat. but it may seem like it does because your abs will seem more toned. no such thing as spot reduction.
3.cut the cola out for sure. go diet or water

be aware of your TDN total daily needs (http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/tdcn.html... TDN calculator link.

try to count calories if you can/want to. try to do full body workouts or any workout video 2-3 times per week.Health Question & Answer


1) Yes it can help you show your abs, but it is more difficult than you think - see below - how to achieve so called Spot reduction

2) Again if your training and nutrition are proper you will be able to burn the fats.

3) Replacing cola with water will help you yes

You want to burn the fats on your belly, but first I suggest you to look at this article and her "sister".
Health Question & Answer

1. It will tone and flatten your stomach, making you look slimmer.

2. Spot reduction of fat is not easy to achieve; lowering your overall BMI (Body Mass Index) is more practical.

3. Lose the cola! Water has no calories and will make you feel better and 'flush' your body giving a detox effect.Health Question & Answer

hi there!

1. no
2. no
3. yes,try skipping cola.

you will see the results gradually. start small to keep up with the regularity of the abs crunches (lets say 15 a day) just to make it a habit.Health Question & Answer

yes, you are doing well. To show your abs, you should lower your overall body fat. So, dropping colas is good. Plus exercising, plus start running to tone the whole of your body - then you will see the results even quicker.Health Question & Answer

If you would like to lose weight quick I found one hundered tips on how to lose weight quick here..


hope this helps,Health Question & Answer

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