I want to lose weight does that mean.....?!

Question: I want to lose weight does that mean......?
i live with my boyfriend and i work at a department store....we eat out alot and i get off work around 12am and i eat then sleep around 2am i kno thats not a healthy life style

how can i eat to fit into my work schedule...since i dont work a normal9-5 job..i work hectic store hours....

also my main question is if i do lose wieght will i be stuck eatin salad for the rest of my life.? imonly 20 i like to party and go out...

my boyfriend eats more fatty food then me he doesnt gain weight at all (he is 6'0 weighs about 150 mean while im 5'7 and about 175)Health Question & Answer

Alright! I will try to make it as specific and simple as possible...

Firstly, Working till 12 AM and sleeping around 2AM is bad for your health, out of your head. What time do you go to school or work.? In the morning.?

You need to not eat anything 3 - 3 1/2 hours before sleep, meaning if you sleep around 10 or 11 PM you should have finished dinner and snacks around 7 or 8 PM, and for the next three hours just drink a glass of water and try to restrain yourself from eating anything, anything at all. This way your body gets the food and begins to churn it in your stomach. Remember what you learned in Freshman Year of HS in Biology.? All those terms coming back to mind.? Well that should be pretty obvious since your body gets most energy and works a lot during your sleep time, so try your best to get at least (MINIMUM) of 8 hours of sleep every night. It is required for a growing up teenager and mostly everybody.

During your work eating.?
Do you work on a desk job.? Are you fairly active around your work job.? If so ask around and see if eating small snacks is allowed during work. It should be, until you don't make a big racas while eating. If it is allowed then in the morning before leaving for work, try to take 3 - 4 bottles of water (as it cleans your stomach of unneeded stuff, and is the best drink that your body can get anytime), and for snacks, take some power bars, and chicken, fish, and lots and lots of vegetables. I don't mean like vegetables for every thing but vegetables are a great source of all the vitamins and proteins that your body needs in a good day. Take vegetables and cook them or just take them as they are. Try to eat yogurt, you should love that if you are a girl as most of my girl friends love yogurt, ..oh and make sure it is low fat, because if you want to be on a diet, you want to stay away from fat as much as possible. So, try to eat protein sources like meat mostly fish and chicken do the trick, you need to get 5 servings of vege's every day so vegetables are good, and drinks type substances like yogurt and water are the best cleansers for your body.

If you do loose weight you won't be stuck eating salad for the rest of your life. It is not something like you will need to eat Salad to survive or you will die hungry. there is no such thing like that. Once you get the body that you want, till that time, you should have a pretty good idea of how much you need to eat and what you need to eat. You should've learned by then how to control your eating habbits. so it shouldn't be a problem.

also, all the diet programs out there that tell you what to do and what to eat during a full day are good and healthy. Since I am a guy I found the ones on http://www.menshealth.com to be successful as they work for me. And also remember no matter how hard you try to go on a diet, cheat the diet once a week to get the favorite food that you want to eat. Make a schedule on what to eat and when to cheat like every sunday or friday night when you go out you cheat and eat something you always wanted to eat. Something in that manner, that way you won't feel guilty of only eating green things and meat. Your body needs more vitamins and more sources for energy so just watch what you eat from there on and remember to cheat. Btw I do cheat every Saturday Night when I am out haha...it is fun to be cheating at life...if you think that way.

AAAhh...too long sorry...you can quit now and don't need to read ...

Anyhow your boyfriend has a better metabolism than you ... duh! The better your body's metabolism the better your body burns those calories and splits your food intake into energy. You can only get that when you have a lean and fit body and mostly when your body fat % is low around 10 or 12 or less. My brother eats more than me but there hasn't been a day in my life that I've seen him get fat. He just eats and eats and eats and eats...and same for me I can eat after all these years all I want and I won't get that fat...well a little cuz I am still working at it...

Other than that see a nutritionist around your area if you want to focus more specific.

If need more help just ask!Health Question & Answer

Eating out is your first mistake. Restaurants have big portions and are generally less healthy than anything you cook at home.

Secondly, "partying" usually involves beer/other alcohols. And alcohol can make you gain a LOT of weight... ie: "beer belly." Yes, even hard alcohol.Health Question & Answer

i found this great site.. it's livestrong.com
u can trace how many calories u eat and thus lose wieght
i've tried it and i think it's perfect

plz answer my question

good luckHealth Question & Answer

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