Can I replace/use yoga as my cardio?!

Question: Can I replace/use yoga as my cardio.?
If you go to you'll notice right there in front of you is a video. Those are the videos I use when I do yoga. I just started, and was wondering if I could replace that as my cardio once or twice a week since I dont have time to do both cardio and yoga all in one day. I might be able to fit it in when I do strength training. I switch on and off from cardio to strength, and I always take a day or two off each week. I have a Healthy eating habit, just wanted to know if this sounds okay. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, and if you need more info, just ask!Health Question & Answer

Depends on how you define 'cardio', and how you breathe while doing yoga.

'Cardio' has been defined for some time now as a certain level of exertion/intensity, which will vary from person to person, depending on their age, and present fitness level.

You can learn to calculate your appropriate intensity level (measured in heart beats per minute) here:
(there are many other sites with similar info; just search on words "aerobic target zone" or "heart rate training zone", etc.)

I used to use a heart rate monitor to show my heart rate while doing cardio.
Now, I judge my exercise effort by this rule of thumb:
work hard enough that I feel more comfortable breathing thru the mouth, but not so hard I am too out of breath to speak in shortened sentances.
You should not be working so hard you are gasping, but you should be short of breath enough that it would be difficult to sing.

How does this relate to yoga.?

Every yoga class I've taken, and every instructor I've heard, has said to continually breathe thru the nose (both inhale and exhale) during the whole class/practice.

Point is, if you are breathing thru the nose throughout your yoga practice, seems unlikely your intensity level is hard enough to be considered doing cardio.

Thru trail and error, I've discovered that with my eating habits (far from being totally healthy), to not gain weight(fat), I need to do 30 mins of cardio three days a week.
Three days a week I also spend about 50 mins doing strength training (on same days as cardio).
I do an hour of yoga five days a week.
Would do it everyday if could, but usually get busy doing other things on weekends.

Best wishes.
dwbHealth Question & Answer

Yoga is very healthy practice. You can combine it with any other activity, no matter what the other activity is! But, as you feel good with yoga, why do not go with it definitely.?!

It doesn't take much time from you. And you can practice it at home, daily if you want, 15 to 30 min is enough. Then you can increase the time gradually.

also, this free yoga e-course is very good for you, if you didn't get it yet: Question & Answer

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