How can i lose my fat on my belly???its jiggly lol and i wanna lose it allllllll?!

Question: How can i lose my fat on my belly.?.?.?its jiggly lol and i wanna lose it allllllll.?
Dunno what some of these idiots are saying situps and crap are going to settle your problems. First, spot reducing.? Doesn't exist. A myth, a fable, it's full of crap. Okay.? Now, here's being realistic. Your diet needs to be changed, with a low intake of fat [for someone not losing weight, it is recommended you intake at least 65g - for you, 20% of your diet should be fat] and start eating healthy foods. No processed ****, no junk food [every now and then - I suggest every 15 days - is fine, because you'll go crazy otherwise].

Finally, back this all up with frequent cardio. 2 mile runes every other day is a good start, but if you haven't run much before, start with light jogging for 10 minutes, then switch to a 5 minute fast walk, rinse and repeat over and over. Running is good for burning fat, but other exercises, such as biking, spinning, and sports - hockey, soccer, and so on - are also great.

Drink plenty of water!Health Question & Answer

Don't eat late at night.
Eating late at night can cause you to store more fat in your waist and stomach. Stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed. If you need a snack, eat something healthy like a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts (unsalted).
Eat often, but in small portions. The less your body peaks and falls on the blood sugar scale, the less likely it will be to overeat and/or store unwanted fat. Ideally, cut calories, but don

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