Obese 12 year old diet plan?!

Question: Obese 12 year old diet plan.?
I am twelve and 215 lbs. I can't lose weight for my life. I have an exercise plan but I still need a diet plan. I'm planing on sticking to only water and not eating bread or pasta but that's all I got, anyother help will be appreciated. Health Question & Answer

First off, good for you for taking the initiative on this! You should be so proud of yourself!

The first answer was good: pre-arrange your snacks. Sort out everything so you don't eat straight from the bag or box--that is dangerous. It's also a great way to get in more veggies and fruits. I know that for me personally I am WAY more likely to have an apple instead of, say, a cookie (I LOVE sugar) if that apple is already sliced and cored and waiting for me. It will also help you keep track of what you eat. Which leads to a really great tool--

Keep a food journal!
just use a regular notebook and write down everything (every single thing, drinks too) that you eat for every day. This way if you're debating whether or not you should have those chips you can look over your day and see if you can accomodate those calories. Just be totally honest and write them down as you eat them. It's easy to forget. If you can see what you're putting in your body you'll be more realistic about what you should and shouldn't eat.

You're right on target--drink LOTS of water! Always keep a a big, filled bottle of water in the fridge (so if you go for juice or milk you'll see that instead) as well as with you. If you're thirsty that means you're already dehydrated so drink water constantly.
also, drink a full glass before EVERY meal! This will help to keep you from overeating and also give you that extra minute of pause to make sure your meal is a good choice.
I've also heard of great success with people who take a sip of water after every bite of food. This slows you down (overeating happens most often when we eat too fast) and fills you up sooner.

It's good to cut carbs, but don't deprive yourself. Fill ion with lots of whole wheat foods. Whole grains are just as important as veggies and lean protein.

NO soda. Not even diet (maybe a little if you're really craving it). But soda is from the devil!! And if they don't already, ask your parents to get nonfat or 1% milk. It can take getting used to but can make a big difference.

Most importantly, don't starve yourself!! I know it's tempting, a lot of kids do it, but it does NOT work! It is possible to be satisfied when you diet. If it feels like punishment you shouldn't do it! Always have a healthy snack at hand (in small quantities) so you're never famished. Letting yourself get too hungry often leads to overeating and poor food choices. See the vicious cycle.?

So when you want some food, have that glass of water, look over you daily food journal and make the best decision for yourself! (and once in a while a cookie or some chips won't kill you)

Good luck and congratulations on taking charge of your own health at such a young age!!Health Question & Answer

Always eat a healthy breakfast like porridge and some fruit. Eating breakfast will kickstart your metabolisim, this will help you lose a few lbs in itself. It is the most important meal of the day.

Only drinking water is a very good idea. You can still eat bread but make sure it is multigrain or brown bread and do not exceed 4 slices a day. That means you can have 2 sandwiches. A slice of cheese is still healthy, you can also eat meat like ham or turkey. For dinner try only eating fruit, get your parents to buy it on the regular. An apple, a orange and bannana should suffice but you can always eat more fruit without any damage. also eat as early as possible. While you are on your diet you should try and get to bed early, have a bottle of wter next to your bed. If you get hunger pains drink some water.

If you own a dog make sure you walk it every night.

Health Question & Answer

Well I am dating a registered dietitian, so it's like I know but I don't know. The best thing you can do is stay away from boxed, bagged and canned foods. All the chips, hot pockets, TV dinners crap like that is what's doing it (anything with corn syrup listed as an ingredient is empty calories your body almost immediately turns to fat). If you can eat it fresh, don't eat it from a box. Make your own mashed potatoes, don't eat cheese slices, eat real cheese. Stuff like that. Keep to whole foods, like whole vegetables, whole fruits, and stay away from the fast food!.

The one thing my dietitian friend preaches is whole foods and grass fed beef. She says it's ten times healthier than grian/corn fed beef, although it is expensive. She also said that if you have to have certain snacks, have a can of tuna with some mustard, or slice up an apple. Her general rule of thumb is that if Gramma never ate it as a kid, don't eat it. The low carb, high protein, low protein high carb thing is BS. Eat snacks that you like but not all the time, treat yourself after a good workout or a hard day mowing the lawn. Just don't plop down with a bag of Doritos in front of the computer every day.

Fish is always a good snack, and she said once in a while try being vegetarian. Go straight vege for a week every few months. It's not that healthy long term but once and a while it's great to just eat vegetables for a week or two.

There are so many fad diets and "lose a ton of weight" on boxes of dinners, but just being active and eating whole foods is what works.

Good Luck, BroHealth Question & Answer

Thats good that you are tryin to loose weight i would sugest that goin on a low carb diet is a good choice however a diet comes along with a workout plan which i suggest swimming because swimming is a sport where your entire body works out and along with a low carb diet then it should be fantastic but you may feel a bit more tired now that a low carb diet because swimming is burns a lot of calories and so ur body is learning to use fat cells as a source of energy so you burn so much weight quick but also if u are a male then u can wait till ur testoserone kicks in n. You will be encourage to burn weight like u never have before if not then u can follow this plan and i assure you that you will drop a pound a week if you are devoted. stick with your plan Health Question & Answer

i heard somewhere that kids your age are obese because they get bored and they see food as something to do. i think a good thing to do is to eat 5 healthy snacks a day. and to proportion everything out that you will eat for the day. like get the realy small zip lock bags and put one serving of whatever healthy food you choose in the bags that way when you get hungry just grab your one bag and when its gone your done. Health Question & Answer

first rule out the possibility of a hormonal imbalance. for eg, do u have a dark line around your neck.? if yes then u have insulin resistance, which needs a completely diff diet plan. it could be thyroid too.

you dont need to starve or deprive yourself.
for a workable diet
here is what my dietician suggests . follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb.remember potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category, 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings too.have a protein shake if you like too.an occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like.
get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.
dieticians offer eally good suggestions that r easy to follow. go to oneHealth Question & Answer

Plan your meals a week in advice and only buy what you need to eat that week. Make sure you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Another tip is that just because the box says the product is 99% fat free doesn't mean it's healthy. They can still be packed with sugar which becomes fat in your body anyway.

Good luck getting healthy!Health Question & Answer

yes... try a macrobiotic diet...its SUPER healthy and some of the food is really delicious. if you google macrobiotic recipes you will find a ton of stuff and the diet guidelines. i love it, personally.Health Question & Answer

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