What should the order be? Lift weights, Cardio, Eat Dinner, and Drink Protein Shake?!

Question: What should the order be.? Lift weights, Cardio, Eat Dinner, and Drink Protein Shake.?
ok i'm having a really tough time on deciding what my order should be. ok there are 4 things for me. lifting weights, doing cardio (treadmill), eating dinner, and drinking my protein shake. what should i do first.? then what should i do second.? third.? then last.? can someone give me the proper order.?

My Age, Height, and Weight: 16, 5'7 1/2, 130 pounds
My Goal: To get lean and defined muscle. also to gain 10 more pounds.Health Question & Answer

Shake, cardio, weights, dinner. That's how i roll.Health Question & Answer

Shake, Weights, Cardio, then dinner

Once the cardio is done, the quality of your lifting will most likely suffer. Your energy sources may be used up. Since you reap the most benefit from the last two or three reps of weight lifting, it is essential that you have the necessary energy to achieve those reps. That fuel may not be available if you do a hard cardio workout prior to your weight training. Consistently training in a weakened state actually lead to decrease in strength over time because it discourages your muscles from being adequately challenged. Cardio burns fat and carbs. If you do your cardio first, the carbs may not be there to fuel your weight training. So, if you want to build muscle, you should do weight training first.
Health Question & Answer

Eating dinner can be either before or after your workout depending if you get enough protein. If there is a lot of protein, eat it about 1-2 hours prior to working out so your muscles will be getting protein for short term recovery during the workout. Then take your protein shake as soon as possible after your workout so your muscles use the protein for long term recovery and repair(the muscle gaining).

So it would be dinner, cardio, lifting, protein shake.Health Question & Answer

i would say do cardio in the morning before breakfast. then do weightlifting before dinner, drink protein shake immediately after working out then 20 mins after that go and eat breakfast or dinner. if you cant do cardio in the morning then do it right after strength training but dont do more than 20 mins of it as you want to get a protein supplement and meal in asap after weight lifting as that promotes the best gains.

you dont really need to do cardio that much at your weight. you could get by with 2-3 times per week. gaining muscle mass will lower your bodyfat significantly as well as bulking up.Health Question & Answer

Depending on how long you'll be at the gym:
~30 - 45 min. before going to the gym Drink your protein shake
When you're at the gym split up your cardio since you're doing weights.
it's always best (and works your muscles more) to do 5 to 10 minutes of cardio before weight training.
Do your weights then and finish up with maybe a 20 minute cardio cooldown.
Then when you get home have plenty of water first before eating because often we mistake thirst for hunger. After relaxing have a lean protein dinner with plenty of veggies and water. Health Question & Answer

i think this is the best order:

1. drink protein shake
2. cardio--- warm up your muscles/body
3. weights
4 shower
5 dinner

eatting heavy b4 training is not wise.... end result---sleepy.... lacking energy.... or food will not adequately digest and you may feel horribly.
Always warm up and do cardio...... or else you could possibly do more harm than good by lifting weights!Health Question & Answer

Try Protein Shake first, Cardio second, Lifting third and Finally Dinner.Health Question & Answer

ok listen up, first you want to eat dinner, this will put the proper nuetrients and fuel in your body that you need to project you through your workouts, next you should lift weights, the reason.? lifting weights requires the most energy and strength output, its overall the most stressfull part, so get that out of the way first while you have your energy, if you do cardio first you will have less energy and tire out more quickly during your weight lifting session, which will make you do less reps and less weight and strain your muscles less. right after you work out you FOR SURE want to take the protein. Reason: when you work out you break down your muscles, and in a sense, tear them, your muscles are damaged after you work out and once you stop the body begins to repair them and put in new stronger muscle. to rebuild your muscle you need amino acids, which come from protein, your body breaks down protien down into amino acids, which is used to rebuild muscle, in fact protien plays a major role in all rebuilding in the body, ex: hair, nails, wounds, ect... the only thing your body has more of than protien, is water, think about that.. so after working out you need to get protien to your muscles asap so they can start rebuilding better and faster. next do your cardio, since your heart is already pumping from weight lifting you might as well keep it going to obtain a healthier stronger heart, when doing cardio use up the rest of your energy then relax or even better, sleepHealth Question & Answer

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