What keeps YOU motivated to lead a "healthy" lifestyle and continue exercising?!

Question: What keeps YOU motivated to lead a "healthy" lifestyle and continue exercising.?
Just wondering what others find as motivations....

where as for me it's being able to fit into CUTE clothes

and looking nice

and feeling good...

what about you.?

How do you cope with days when you just want to eat a freaking big mac and a pound of fries and skip the gym to go home and lay in the bed while watching house reruns.? and what do you do to push yourself through an antagonizing hour and a half of intense cardio.? lol... i sometimes find myself just wanting to cry haha...
Health Question & Answer

By not feeling guilty that I want to treat myself to a really good high quality hamburger , but I get a side salad instead of fries, and a good red wine because its high in antioxidants.

Then I sit there with a tray in front of the TV and indulge myself while watching my recorded House episodes I missed.

This answer is coming from someone who eats tons of raw fruits and vegetables, and cooks her own foods and loves sea foods.

I also exercise every day.

The point is, it becomes un fun if I have to push myself. My motivation isn't just the cute clothes. It's the feeling of health freedom. Not having to be on any prescriptions. Not having to worry about chronic health challenges. Having a quality of life that is above average. Having the ability to keep up when most people my age start to lose their stamina.

The older you get, the more you realize that its a life style and when you want to indulge, you deserve it.

PS. When you want to cry, cry! Crying is a cleanse. Health Question & Answer

Makes me feel good and reduces stress by taking my mind off of things.

Since taking up a healthy diet, just thinking about fast food makes me want to throw up. I read alot into nutrition and discovered why fast/processed foods are bad for you.

I dont do half hour cardio sessions because they are pointless - they dont burn off fat, instead they burn carbs, and they also release a hormone called cortisol which eats at your muscles. Instead I do short, but intense cario for 5 minutes and mainly focus on multi joint weight reps, raising moderate weights through large heights (Work = Force x Distance).

The best way to get yourself through days like you described is to educate yourself and make a positive effort to change and realise the benefits at the same time.

also, if you have a good diet, and work out at least 3 times per week, it is generally ok to have one day per week where you over eat - so if you want to, go get that big mac and large fries!Health Question & Answer

ive always been self concious about my skinny body (Boy) so i looked into muscle building/mass gaining, i always get motivated to eat the best foods and workout as much as possible because i know one day i can look how i wanna look, look good in my clothes, feel confident. It was hard at first but when i walk past mcdonalds now i shiver in disgust to know what would be going into my body if i walked in there and stuffed my face

Health Question & Answer

A will to make oneself smart and active is inevitable. I observed only few are mentally strong enough to continue exercise alone however most require a partner or peer to do job effectively. Motivation factor is an urge to make oneself active and a good partner who not only enjoy but also assist you in enjoying physical exertion Health Question & Answer

i usually feel better after i excercise so remembering that helps me... also I feel like a fat pig if I eat fast food so I figure its not worth it!
I talk myself into thinking "ohh if i look better i can have any guy i want" haha so that helps sometimes too!Health Question & Answer

It makes me feel better. Happier and healthier. Health Question & Answer

I know what you mean! I have felt so lethargic about going to the gym lately, that I didn't go for like 9 months! But, recently, I had an event for work and when I went to put on the dress I was going to wear it didn't fit. I said it was time to get back to the gym. I read an article in Self on how Jennifer Lopez lost her weight after her twins were born. She said that she hated just working out, she had to have a goal (for her a marathon). That's so true! I just decided last night that my motivation was going to be a dress I bought that I've never fit into just right, so that's my goal now. I also have been reading about how diabetes can be so dangerous for women who carry weight on their stomach, and that's where most of mine is. I don't want to make myself sick when I can prevent it. I see family members who are always dealing with health issues and they could have avoided it, so that is a motivator. I work for a wellness company also, so I better practice what I preach. If you want more info on a good product, go to this web site. .?p=29#more-29" rel="nofollow">http://jus.net/jus/.?p=29#more-29

Remember, one day out of the week where you eat whatever you want will not kill you either. Sometimes we just need a treat. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

What motivates me to continue with a healthy lifestyle and continue exercising is to take a good look at all of the overweight people who go to places like Mickie Dees and even shopping; it's very bad. Then I go home and look in the mirror and thank the Lord that I have the mind to stay fit.
I am not a female, but females that look nice and healthy please me.
It seems that people here in the US have had their minds on the wrong things. When you have your mind on things like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, corruption in government, starvation in Africa, etc. you lose yourself. These things cause too much anxiety and it will cause you to make the wrong decisions.
What do I do when I want to eat Big Macs and fries and coke.? I go to the store and buy some celery and apples and tomatoes and sit down and eat all that I can.
Instead of going to a gym, I'll go to a health food store and fill my mind with the literature they have so that I can stay away from things like cokes and hamburgers and french fries.
But, you can do too much fitness training. You should not have to 'push' yourself to do anything, especially cardio. If you understand the heart, it has a separate 'brain.' It is a muscle with its own control and it will stay fit if you stay fit.Health Question & Answer

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