What wud u call this?!

Question: What wud u call this.?
Ok so I'm not anorexic, i would say i eat the lower level of normal amount of food and calories, probably 1500 a day. but recently iv bin throwing some of it back up. its not bulimia coz i dont feel out of control and im not binging. do i have an ed or just going to the extreme of dieting.? im 18, 5,7 and about 120 btw.Health Question & Answer

You are bulimic you just don't want to admit it. Do you feel better when you vomit.? Is there like this voice that tells you that you need to vomit to be skinny. I use to be Bulimic but when i started passing out at work. (waitress) I knew it was time to stop being a kid and do something that is healthy for my body.

So every time i eat i still feel "sick" but i just go for a run or do hecca sit ups. This would not be Extreme dieting it would be a diagnosis. You are an "anny" and you need to stop. REALLY exercising feels much better than not eating at all. And you get a 6 pac in stead of feeling nasty all the time. Do what i do and for every bite you take do 10 sit ups. Not only will you be getting FIT ( which all guys like) but you still wont eat that much, cause who wants to do 1,000 sit ups.?.?.? Im looking better than when i did when i was "Anny" now im only 103lb when i use to be 135,120,115,112,109.but my high is 5'4 and im 22 years young.And i have had a baby. (another reason why i am not anny anymore)Health Question & Answer

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