Losing weight and building muscle?!

Question: Losing weight and building muscle.?
I started lifting weights and i did less wieght and more reps...later my sister told me that thats not good becuase it just increases you in straining a muscle....so i started doing more weights and learned that you use more energy meaning you will lose more...but later they told me if you build muscle and work out lifting weights you will never lose any fat becuase it turns your fat to muscle and now im confused wether i should lift weights... i eat healthy.. drink lots of water and play some kind of cardio like soocer ride my bike and run...so all im asking is if you lift weights will you be able to lose the fat becuase i dont want to start off and end up in a big mistake...can yall please help....meHealth Question & Answer

Unfortunately, muscle and fat are completely different entities, and one does NOT turn into the other.
If you want to burn fat you should do a cardiovascular workout (run, jog, bike, play soccer...) but you should also strength train because the MORE muscle mass you have, the MORE calories your body burns in a given day (even when your just sitting there). So the answer-do both!
Generally, higher weights with less reps will cause bulk (alot of guys do this) but for a lean slender physique, (what most women do) is smaller weights with more reps.
The rule of thumb is generally to do 3 sets of 13-15 repetitions on 1 muscle (aka. bicep curls) So if you are lifting 15 pounds, and can't make it to even 5 your using TOO high of a weight. you should be tired by your 10th rep but able to get to your 13th or 15th rep on your first set. By your last (3rd) rep, being able to get only about to your 10th rep is a good thing to shoot for, but hopefully not past that or your weights are too light....
Hope that helps :) Health Question & Answer

The best way to loose fat is your cardio activities. Fat doesn't actually "turn into muscle" or the other way around. You are at higher risk for straining a muscle if you are Lifting too much weight or lifting when you are too tired, but if you are lifting right, higher weight with less reps is the way to bulk up. lighter weight with more reps is the way to tone up. Make sure you keep breathing - don't hold your breath when you are lifting. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body has to burn on any given day just to maintain itself. Keep a good balance of cardio, lifting and stretching and you should be fine. Health Question & Answer

I myself tried weight watchers and was really hungry and only lost 5 pounds after spending a lot of money on their products. I ended up using Herbalife products which were cheaper and I lost 30 pounds and it has stayed off still 3 years later! You can email me if you want me to send you the info I initial found on Herbalife 3 years ago. Good Luck
Health Question & Answer

Hi Js
I think that this website will help you a lot
Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

T-Nation is a great site for lifting information. JSF is a bit better for nutritional stuff, although many of them are incredibly anal about things that I, personally, don't think are that important at the beginning.
To put on muscle, you will need to eat -slightly- more calories than your body consumes. For example, when I want to put on muscle I eat around 3700 kcal a day, where as to lose a small amount of weight each week, I'd eat around 3200-3500. My body consumes about 3500-3600 a day, including my BMR and daily activities (I'm very active, which is why my intake is so high.) Eating only a slight bit above what you actually need will allow your body to build muscle with only a minimal gain in fat.
You should still be eating healthy foods. There is no need to up your calories with just junk, although you can add the healthy, calorie-dense foods that you cut out when you were losing weight (nuts, peanut butter, etc.) back into your diet. I find protein shakes useful, personally. It lets me get good, healthy calories into my body quickly, and when you are lifting regularly it is recommended that you consume anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.
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